mandy patinkin

What I don't get is why she'd take Sara back to the lair and not call Oliver right away? Like, you're just gonna leave your dead sister on a slab until Oliver gets up in the morning and has a McMuffin while reading the morning paper instead of calling him immediately? What if he has magical all-purpose island herbs

I know Oliver was supposed to be wooden and stiff in S1, but I've always felt that there are a lot of ways actors can portray wooden and stiff without necessarily being wooden and stiff. That's something Amell's really learned and I did not think he would grow to be this good even by the end of S1. I thought he

I dug the motorcycle bow jousting a lot, man. It was stupid and nonsensical but AWESOME

Bizarre clenched teeth acting aside, Willa Holland has always been pretty solid performer, I've thought. When the writers give her stuff to do, she can be very good. Her reaction to Moira's death in S2 was straight up some of the best acting anyone on the show's done, IMO.

Oh, man, I thought I'd like Laurel more once the writers started giving her better material but…I just don't. Katie Cassidy just ain't doin' it for me at all. I just find it so hard to like her or sympathize with her. At first I thought it was just a writing problem, but now they're actual giving her something meaty

Yeah, I agree. I like this show but it still has a LOT of room to grow.

This visual is KILLING me

Ugh, your mother raised a heathen!!!

"I doubt half of these will actually be made."

I like Ezra Miller a lot, but I gotta say, I'm pretty attached to Grant Gustin as the Flash and it's only been like two episodes. Who knows how I'll feel by 2018.

I'm not crazy about the 'love interest investigates the alter ego' avenue this is clearly going either. It's like the most tired trope in the genre.

I don't know if I'd go that far, but I'm enjoying Gustin a lot. He plays his scenes SO earnestly with zero edge or irony, which is almost refreshing given the trend in the past couple of years of darkly tortured, "gritty" anti-heroes. He's very, very likeable.

Arrow started with Oliver's list of mopes too. We're just getting to know the characters and the world they exist in - bringing in overly serialized storytelling right now would be a mistake. Hopefully Flash dispenses with it soon like Arrow did, instead of clinging to it like Smallville.

I see what you're saying but also…it's episode 2, dude

Flash shares a lot more tonal DNA with Smallville than Arrow does, IMO. Especially now, Arrow and Smallville could not be two more different shows.

I hope they give Jesse L Martin and Tom Cavanagh more scenes together, they were fantastic together. I'd like this show a whole lot less if they weren't there.

I did not think 'safe' was the word he was gonna say but it's much more interesting than 'secret' or whatever else I thought he was gonna use.

I'm one of maybe two people on the internet who loathed Happy Endings so I don't know that this show is for me, but I guess I'll give it a shot. I'm only human though, I don't know how much Casey Wilson shrieking at things I can take.

I mean, I'm one who thought the Jerry jokes got needlessly cruel and unnecessary after a while so diff'rent strokes, I guess.

Yeah, I like that they switch up who the straight man is episode to episode. Constantly having the same characters causing chaos while the other characters just sit and react accordingly is just tired writing. I like that Andre Braugher gets to be petty and immature sometimes like he was in this episode.