mandy patinkin

Aw yay! Amy's gonna be carrying SO many files and sitting behind SO many desks!

As always, I disagree with LaToya and her 5am review. I liked Jake and Amy's A-plot a whole lot, if just because it was a welcome change of pace from its predecessors. I liked Jim/Pam and Ben/Leslie, but they were always too-good-to-be-true, made-for-each-other soulmate couples and life ain't always like that. B99


I love that Jake's version of Boyle brutally laying into him is, "Jake, I think you might only be 99% right on this one."

This show takes itself so strangely seriously for what's essentially a ridiculous soap. It has all of the camp without any of the self-awareness or irony and the war metaphors made my eyes roll out of my sockets. It think its more biting and incisive than it really is, but there's really nothing separating this from

Oh my GOD, I never thought about it that way.

Chelsea Peretti's always been funny, but I think she's really raised her game this year. There's something so unexpected and unhinged about her line delivery and funny lines on paper are elevated by her performace. Like the way she said "This isn't a setup, this is a SETUP" in this ep complete with that wild, manic

The moment where Holt pops up out of frame as Terry's wife is taking the photo made me cry with laughter. Andre Braugher is a gift to humanity and no moreso when Holt goes off the deep end.

*That's* where I know him from!

I feel like the show's winky-winky meta asides to the audience are really getting in the way of Dean as a character. After four episodes, he's still just a walking vehicle for irony which makes actually investing in him emotionally as a viewer really hard. There's not a whole lot that's actually real or genuine there.

That was 100% my favorite line of the night. I think it was the super douchey frat bro way he said it.

I love how her fists were balled up like she was literally about to do it.

Holt/Jake/Gina are so much fun together. It's like watching a walking triumvirate of the id, ego and superego.

Prison, no less.

Priyanka Chopra is trying, god bless her heart, but the scene of her crying was so terrible it straight up made me laugh out loud. This show desperately needs a Viola Davis-esque presence to anchor all its silliness because even for an ABC soap it's truly becoming too dumb to comprehend.

Parks was dealing with tiny fish in a tiny, fictional pond though. If Brooklyn 99 was caled Pawnee 99 instead, I could see them addressing social issues with a bit more oomph, but the NYPD is a real institution with very real problems and I don't necessarily fault the show for not even attempting to wade into its mess.

I believe it's spelled 'cocaaaaAAAAAAaaaine!!!'

Underrated moment of the episode: Amy saying Gina would never 'march' in and Chelsea Peretti doing a literal military march into the room.

Yeah, sometimes I think the cast is too big for that very reason. Like, I would jump into a volcano if you asked me who in the ensemble they could conceivably cut out, but having to adequately serve seven main characters every week is really a mammoth task, especially when you consider Jake is first among equals and