Driving slowly in the left lane is dangerous and bad! That is what is cheerfully noted in a new video from Vox, the…
Driving slowly in the left lane is dangerous and bad! That is what is cheerfully noted in a new video from Vox, the…
“My mother was involved in the farm workers movement.”
I know some people may have some issue with the corporate tweets and such of support as maybe be crass commercialism, but keep in mind that these companies employ gay and lesbian employees and for those folks it means a lot that they know their employer has their back.
That 72 hour wait is ridiculously condescending. Like, imagine if it were state law to wait that long for all major decisions. Will you marry me in 72 hours? I’m sorry sir, you cannot buy this camri until you’ve waited 72 hours. We need you to think over your vote for 72 hours. That haircut will need 72 hours of…