
The point about Pennsylvania isn’t true, though. Turnout in Philadelphia increased by nearly 20,000 raw votes compared to 2012. Despite this, her margin was actually somewhat narrower than Obama’s 2012 margin, but the difference wasn’t decisive; she still would’ve lost the state even if she’d matched Obama’s margin.

Moore will be a U.S. Senator.

4 player deathmatch is so damn fun in Spelunky. The shank is OP.

Considering that this article makes exactly zero mention of it I feel like I need to point out that the alleged crimes Manafort was indicted on all happened while he worked for democrats, and before he was involved with Trump in any capacity. The fact that this article makes multiple attempts to tie this to Trump is

I’m with you. I can’t believe I bothered to read this whole thing. So pointless.

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

Really, it’s come to this?

Yup! Modded mine yesterday. Super easy to do as long as you follow the instructions. Hakchi2 is a very clean program.

No kidding... installing Hakchi2 and a full ROM dump of all NES (or other) games to the NES Classic is literally easier than connecting the thing to your TV’s HDMI port and finding the right input mode.

It’s significantly easier to do than most think. :)

Two people, guilty of a crime, were arrested. Not a big story. What if they had been arrested for another crime? Tax evasion? Hit and run? Driving without a licence? Should the police have waited for a more convenient time to arrest two known criminals?

He just got his bell rung a bit. Some smelling salts and gatorade and he should be just fine.

Incoming message from the Big Giant Head!

Plenty of ultra-feminine men out there, so have at ‘em.

Holy shit, you heard her fellas. Some random twat online doesn’t like beards so fuck your preference and get the hedge trimmers out!

Yes, please do. It’s a symbiotic relationship people. They keep the bugs at bay, you sprinkle bird feed into your beard. The way nature intended.

Also, don’t forget to feed the birds currently living in your beard.

And all that means nothing when a few seats away you get a brat with a noisy toy and parents that don’t give a shit.