
You here with all the illuminati tea today.

Maybe some Fendis...

You should have more stars for this. Gelato rules.



Here’s another shot of the forest. The trees definitely don’t grow entirely upright, but they also don’t fisheye all over the place like there’s a black hole in the center of the image, no.

I would never tattoo my arms with hair patterns like that...

Tl;dr Stop doing that you idiot.

White vinegar in a sandwich bag, tied to the showerhead with rubber bands?

White vinegar in a sandwich bag, tied to the showerhead with rubber bands?

I’m confused. Superman by John Romita has him in the costume doing Super-Things. But Action Comics features Superman in a T-shirt, who can’t be let alone because everybody knows he’s Superman. Which comes first? Or do they take place at the same time?

Got rid of Legionnaire’s. Now let’s work on New York’s Billionaires. Start Here

Can we get Jonathan Pryce to trick Donald Trump into thinking the pope is going to use Trump as his counselor on all decisions?

I live in Las Vegas. Sadly, I downloaded our bank account from since we moved here, and we’ve spent around $15K eating out in the last year. M Life (MGM’s rewards program) bumped our status because we spend so much money on food. It’s a bad place to live as a foodie.


Doesn’t it? When I saw her laying like that I had to take a puppy pinup shot but I have no idea how the lighting turned out that way. Bow- chicka bow-wow

I can’t get over how unexpectedly fun, well-designed, and reasonable this game is, and especially for something that was announced out of the blue too!

Fuck your racist garbage

Fallout Shelter is SO much fun for my Fallout-hungry heart, but I know Patricia has got to be coughing up some cash for those lunchboxes to have gotten so many costumes and weapons already... Of course, $3.99 buys five lunchboxes and that purchase was more than enough for me!

It's the Rachel McAdams of Japan.