Maybe some Fendis...
You should have more stars for this. Gelato rules.
I would never tattoo my arms with hair patterns like that...
Tl;dr Stop doing that you idiot.
White vinegar in a sandwich bag, tied to the showerhead with rubber bands?
White vinegar in a sandwich bag, tied to the showerhead with rubber bands?
I’m confused. Superman by John Romita has him in the costume doing Super-Things. But Action Comics features Superman in a T-shirt, who can’t be let alone because everybody knows he’s Superman. Which comes first? Or do they take place at the same time?
I live in Las Vegas. Sadly, I downloaded our bank account from since we moved here, and we’ve spent around $15K eating out in the last year. M Life (MGM’s rewards program) bumped our status because we spend so much money on food. It’s a bad place to live as a foodie.
Doesn’t it? When I saw her laying like that I had to take a puppy pinup shot but I have no idea how the lighting turned out that way. Bow- chicka bow-wow
I can’t get over how unexpectedly fun, well-designed, and reasonable this game is, and especially for something that was announced out of the blue too!
Fuck your racist garbage
It's the Rachel McAdams of Japan.