
She’s more than meets the eye?

He was getting a wedgie, that is why Superman now has his underwear on the outside of his costume!

First thing I thought of:

Scrolled down looking for this. Was not disappointed.

So far the only woman on the show who I didn’t want to smack silly has been killed off. Maddie and her daughter are raging morons.

Calling those a bladeless fan its about ask correct as calling something with wheels a hoverboard. Just cause the fan blades are shrouded doesnt mean they arent there. You cant see the engine on your car when the hood is down, does that make it engineless? Stupid name, stupid design, stupid price.

Calling those a bladeless fan its about ask correct as calling something with wheels a hoverboard. Just cause the

Not a fan?

Not a fan?

Well, you know. If you are a a yuppie/millennial/30something working at an office, you gotta look cool to your co-workers. Why else would you pay $200+ for a fan/heater, when a $20 ceramic heater/blower would do a better job?

Well, you know. If you are a a yuppie/millennial/30something working at an office, you gotta look cool to your

I believe the top model is Aletta Ocean while the bottom one is Timea Bela.

I have no self control. I already finished Daredevil.

Madonna’s kinda out of it lately....

What’s stupid is the back of these ladies’ shirts say “Obama, you’re fired!”

All the stars for for you

Is “Hautlence” anything like “Flatulence”, because these both stink.

Thankfully, it’s not nearly as depressing as some of the movies in the same genre. Also, the twist (of course it has one) isn’t too bad.

This is someone who chose to marry Kris Kardashian. I don’t know why anyone is surprised that she is a stupid, shallow asshole.


Don’t be, there are always people more ridiculous than you at the gym. Such as the dudes that wear air depriving masks and look like Bane. Or the people that twerk during cycle classes.

Here! Drink this!