
$500 for a tip.... wow

I like their songs better... Spice girls only had 1 memorable one

Wow she looks so different....

This is one sick sick sick man...

Wait till he goes up any stairs...

his designs look like it fits to be in Riverdale

Wait this guy isnt from Slitherin?

Suck it Pollack

They can go to the Rosewood sand hill hotel during Cougar night...

Volvic water? Well ladee-daaa

Those 2 kids are minorities?

Pollack is slammed in twitter... Good!

I agree but with Patsy Walkers wealth

He probably will move Corey to cleaning his golf clubs after this...

These guys are out of ideas for a cheap reality show...

Wonder if that would have been really better off as a tea place...

Living with the Kardashians may have something to do with that...

Looks like Andrew Garfield.....

Well just dont drive