
I blame Asterix..

So whats this thing for


Cant even trust this jerkwad of a governor

Of course its cursed. The owner donates to Chris Christie

We call unusual ‘goths’ in school....

But its fiction....

Do people really want to watch her do her workouts and merchandise?

Well that probably will scar the kid into not playing with a gun for life....

looks like a non working toy

does he always dress up like a cartoon villain

Those look like batteries on his belt

So who invented ‘Naked’ sushi....

Looks tacky

Do you guys have this pot? Honestly

Do you guys have this pot? Honestly

No Kinja approved rubber band gun?

Eyedrops, lip balm, moisturizer, face cream, face soap... If you’re facing the elements you gotta put a lot of this stuff on.

As long as you can boil water, then you can cook.

Did she push out the naked selfie in exchange for the money