Has a thing for hats....
looks like a robot too.... Just not a sexbot
Man I was about to say that too!
Ehh I enjoyed MK from the beginning but find the Xray stuff a bit overdone.
Joan Rivers looks like a vampire.... well I guess you can put that in more ways than just physically
Florida huh
I assume for the rest of life, he'll be known as Giant Pussy Man
Didnt know Tesla started making guns...
Magic, got it. He gets dressed up with magic
I assume he doesn't have his show anymore since he slimmed down...
Sure why noooo.........
He seems to be a nice guy. Glad everything is working out for him
In SF, this would be a really hairy pot bellied man
Florida eh?
sounds like home alone as a housekeeper
Needs a toilet, microwave, cooler and a sex doll