
The launch really hasn’t been that terrible. AT all. Stop saying that, it’s driving me nuts. Very rarely do launches on server-based games with massive numbers of players go well in the slightest. This one has been pretty average, and faaaaaaaar from terrible.

Most people I know with an M5 (and yes I know more than 1 lol) it’s because we live in a city where owning multiple cars is impractical.

The reverse lights coming on has got to be the funniest expression of futility I’ve ever seen.


He was actually reacting to the Matt Hendricks clip.

“...the five-pointed star is one of the most commonly cited symbols of the Bloods gang.”

No, this is not a proper Sassy issue. The last “real” Sassy before it was bought and turned into a YM clone was November 1994. This was almost a year and a half after that; Sassy at this point had nothing in common with the original except the name. And Sassy never would have had most of those stories, much less

Not surprising that some would question Newton’s comprehension of the gravity of the situation.

Righteous, proper dancing.

“Hello?” is literally how they tell you to answer the phone in kindergarten. “KYLE WAGNER” is how they tell you to answer the phone at business school for babies.

IDE? You’re no Computer Scientist.

So, Ronaldo takes a shot, it bounds towards the goal, a Levante player heads it away before it goes in. On the ground, Ronaldo gesticulates to show that he thinks it went in and the ref should've awarded the goal to him. As he slowly gets up, teammate Gareth Bale, who has been under intense pressure for not playing

Goodbye password123 and hello password321.

My South Beach jeans are still around, mocking me to this very day.