
Wait, gboard has this feature? How do I activate it?

The Panamera is on my short list for my next car. But I currently drive a BMW 335 GT, which everyone else also considers visually offensive, so I guess my opinion is probably worth little here. I love a hatchback.

I’m a dev at a major company in the financial industry and we just got rid of our mainframe COBOL maybe 3 or 4 years ago? We got rid of it because it was expensive - IBM charges yearly just for the privilege of continuing to operate your mainframe. But that code and that machine was SOLID. Same stuff running for 30

Wasn’t Kanye in a Motorola Boost ad in 2004-ish? Surely they gave him a phone or something.

Same here. I remember being all excited because Sassy came in the mail... and then, just confusion and heartbreak. Then flipping to the masthead for answers and seeing all my favorite names were gone. I can’t even imagine my teen years without Sassy. Jane Pratt has some good stuff going on at though.

I’m shocked they let them close with a Cashier’s Check for that much. We’ve always been required to do a bank-to-bank transfer for anything over $50k.

I grew up in Indiana and never changed times until I was in my 20s. Never walked to or from school in the dark. Now I live in Chicago, change times, and in December, it will be dark by the time my son gets home from school and I will never be outside in daylight on a work day. I will never be convinced that this makes

I got as far as the diagram and then... tl;dr.

Love how the point of this article is that a lot (most) men still aren’t doing it right, but most of the male responses are patting themselves on the back for already totally knowing how to do it right.

Or just buy a $3 tube of spackle at Home Depot and do it right and without risk of super-gluing your hand to the wall?

I own my home and I tell everyone else to rent as long as you can. It’s not throwing money away. Paying $15,000 a year in property taxes feels a lot more like throwing money away. And the homeowners insurance payment. And all the other random payments that pop up all the time.

Everyone knows gaming mice and keyboards

You can pick them as soon as they start to show any color and they will ripen the same they would as off the vine. And is also the best way to protect them from the squirrels. There’s a lot of reasons supermarket tomatoes taste like yuck, but it doesn’t make any difference if they fully ripen on the vine or not.

If you have street hardened urban gangster squirrels like I do, there’s nothing you can do.

I told the kids at my day care that Mr. Rogers was my grandfather. I think I kinda believed it though.

I don't even let my husband use my iPad. Certainly not friends. For a weekend. That's like sharing underwear or toothbrushes or something.

This site tells me that I haven't been compromised - while the other site shows that I HAVE been compromised.

One of my accounts is listed as compromised, but the password it has is a password for another account that I use that gmail address to login to. It's never been my gmail password. Seems even scarier now.