I had a dream about Margaret Atwood but I don't remember what happened.
I had a dream about Margaret Atwood but I don't remember what happened.
If she did that she'd at least learn the language faster.
Also, a play Alison Wright is in is nominated for best play, although she herself didn't get a nomination.
Also, that photo caption says "An elevator, which is confusing"… yes, that is confusing, because I don't think escalators are called elevators. I guess they do technically elevate though.
This is like when those turkeys were circling the dead cat.
Oh neat, the hood guy is writing stuff now.
the av cl
The opening really reminded me of Narcos, what with the drug kingpin and the wads and stacks of cash and the frightened driver (though this one ends up in a shallow grave because his boss is a bigger asshole than Pablo Escobar) and people saying "entonces". Well, there's probably lots of entertainment with those…
Then a story about 20th Century Fox, then a story about Michael J. Fox, then something about that time lapse of the decomposing fox.
It turns out it's actually staying on top of the front page longer than ever before. I guess The AV Club loves man boobs.
"One nation, Underwood." That somehow manages to be both awful and great at the same time.
I often hear the complaint that he wins too easily but in the later seasons that's just not true. He does always win (if he didn't there'd be no point to the show) but now it's just barely.
I was looking forward to the new How Did This Get Made about the latest fast and/or furious movie, but when I started listening to it I remembered they actually like those movies so I quickly lost interest.
What, so like, they both have Broadway shows at the same theater and Trump is first and Michael Moore is second?
I feel like Chuck never wanted that trust fund anyway. It tied him too much to his father's dirty dealings which he loathed (although he goes along with them when they hurt Axe) and looked bad politically. Maybe he also shares Bryan's preference for being underpaid if it makes him feel better.
I was wondering why they didn't find some gloves.
I liked the Aboriginal music. It was nice to spend some time with that culture because I don't often see much about them.
Jonah richly deserves his status as punching bag but I felt bad for him in this episode. You could tell how relieved he was to be back with Richard by his laughter at the extremely nerdy hat joke (which, I admit, I laughed at genuinely). He didn't really like the joke, he was just very glad to be reunited with this…
I had to rewatch the scene where Selina talks to Kent and Ben about the money to see what exactly happened to that bottle because I wasn't paying attention to that side of the screen the first time. I'm glad I did. It's a marvel of performance and editing.
♪ Love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal ♫