
It's mainly just inconsequential.

Agree that there's not much of a philosophy to the actual show, but some viewers definitely have been affected by it. It did do a good job pointing out hypocrisies in society, and that was mostly against liberal elites, like the rich hollywood people chastising rural poors for harming the climate while living in a

Man, I love Paint. How else am I supposed to make badly photoshopped pics? Paint was a big thing I missed after switching over to Macs around 10 years ago. RIP

I'm not super familiar with the Thor comics, so is Hela part of them?

Constant pop culture referencing or the weird praise people give to someone having encyclopedic pop culture knowledge is an annoying aspect of modern culture. Anyway, gotta read another 30 articles on The AVClub today.

I'm not sure. There's probably a way to make it work. Abstract things like "death" work in comics, but they don't translate well to big budget action movies. The only motivation for Thanos now in the MCU is power, which I guess works.



Very tangentially related but who has time to find a more suited post - is Blanchett's god of death going to be Thanos' "Death" from the comics?

Looks like I was wrong.

So they killed all the Sandsnakes except the one who was in that whale watching movie, right? Makes sense. 1 character with limited audience connection is okay, 3 is too many.

This looks fucking cool

But they have real bullets stock piled so the hosts can grab them?

Before the change in season 1, why didn't the host bullets hurt the guests? I'm sure there are answers but I'm too lazy / uninterested to check myself, and I just remembered that question while skimming this.

Looks like I just found my wedding's playlist.

The 1,000 ships could also be ancient military numbers. When sources say "army of 10 million" it means "a lot", i.e. closer to 20-50,000 tops. So 1,000 = around 300 maybe?

While I'm certain the Sand Snakes will die I doubt they will kill them in an episode without reintroducing them in another episode pre-death. Granted, long recaps are a big thing now.

bahhhh Wikipedia is not helpful

I wouldn't comment with a question if I'd rather spend time actually researching!
