Why does mine say “No” above my comment but below my name? Is this working?
Why does mine say “No” above my comment but below my name? Is this working?
I still don't have the slightest how to "transfer" my account. Apparently I need to fill out a "claim form"? Wat?
I've only been here 1-3 years with sporadic commenting. I'd say the main thing is that Kinja sucks ass. I tried to get involved with Gizmodo and Deadspin a while back but found the layout unbearable. To each their own though.
"White Person with 10 Years Experience Demands Same Pay As Black People With 30 Years Experience"
I have no say on who's a feminist. I'm just being stupid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No one is a feminist and so am I!(?)
I thought they only had 2 releases? And I enjoyed their last one…
They're coming to STL! But on a Tuesday!! Bittersweet good news for this week!!!
That's pretty sweet. I didn't know Hayter was a writer. "Colonel?!"
i audibly groaned "jesus FUCKING christ" at this headline.
They became what they were mocking so quickly though
Is it the pro life/anti choice view alone that makes her a whackadoo?
Ya. Limited showtime really messes with ability to finish arcs satisfactorily. She could've been such a good player in the game.
Given the unceremonious send off of the Reed girl (can't remember her name), I can't really hold out hope for a lot of the secondary characters' story arcs. (Though I really don't disagree with the show runners' way of ending her story)
Ya if I accidentally read a real spoiler I'm gonna get pissed. Sorta knowing and guessing is great. Knowing would ruin a lot of the fun I get when watching.
Dammit Bennioff and Weiss just confirm what we already know about Jon Snow and stop toying with us!
I don't think that's what the article was saying though? The article is just about how 300 is a film with hyper/toxic masculinity and a negative portrayal of non-westerners, both of which are shared by the alt right. It's not saying 300 created it.
I think the problem is also that not only are all the good guys paragons of virtue, white, and uber masculine, but all the bad guys are dark skinned and feminine.
Alt right dudes love the film was the entire point of the article.