Pucky the Shellos

You say that as if it's a bad thing

Goddamnit Pauli stop being the pithiest

*has headache due to flattery*

After Weird Al's epic-length song "Albuquerque," right?

But MLA, you don't understand the alt-right's raison d'etre!

At what point does it cross from libertarianism to empty Edgelording?

No offense to any of the artists who put their heart into covers this past season, but is it just me or did this season of Undercover seem…off, to anyone? Like, nowhere near as popular as previously, or as well-attended by bigger-name artists?

The things you say, they're unbelievable! WHOOOAAAA

If I get to choose the form of my destroyer, I could think of far worse options than Mr Rogers

Don't go in there, Aranaktu!

PBS refused to cave in to the sensationalism that got him elected! Sad network, terrible ratings!

On the plus side, that should help combat global warming by replacing the ice caps

But then Ben Carson couldn't show up!

Ah, yes, 3 Doors Down, for people who refuse to listen to Nickelback because they're from the "People's Republic of Canada"

Maroon 5.
I tried to put out an ad calling for their death penalty, and got a restraining order from the newspaper

Alright, but only until David Bowie puts out his next album

I'd be in favor of a traditional Ojibwe drum circle instead of Toby Keith.
Then again, I'd prefer being infested with candiru fish over Toby Keith

To be fair, I've been in a coma for 35 years. What's happening?

Drat, why did I read to the end if I haven't started yet? Darn this insatiable curiosity!
My friend and I have loved this series since elementary school, so we're both super-hyped, and we promised to binge it together as soon as possible (too bad he's not free until tomorrow night).
The pacing seems interesting; we're

Agree to disagree on the Surprise album release thing. I'm thinking only music critics are the ones who have a problem with those.
Really, when RTJ3 dropped a week ago, was anyone who listened to it complaining?