
Early concept art for Ashe had dark skin tones and hair color that could’ve been seen as black or hispanic. I’m not sure what really made them overhaul that other than deciding to go for the ‘Criminal Southern Belle’ accent and getting Jennifer Hale to voice her (She also voiced a Nightborne zone/raid boss in World of

Right?? This character can be as important as they’d like and also be black, but like...she’s the 33rd f-ing character. They just has to make one of the female characters black ffs.

Nah, I don’t think that’s a good enough answer, and I think it kind of misses the point.

rebalancing stuff to take away a slight PvE advantage so they have to play “the right way” (according to the elitist crowd on GameFAQs and the like) seems like the wrong solution.”

Nerfa are needed for pvp games when something is overpowered

I still think Mimic Tear is viable, at least personally I had been using it as a way to get a boss to aggro someone else and it is still really tanky. 

As someone who is invested and understands NFTs

NFT bro makes a bunch of positive assertions about NFTs but provides no actual evidence to backup the assertions (other than the fact that blockchain games are slow and nothing new).  Sounds about right.

cryptocurrency and NFTs are a scam.

Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else?

Okay, let’s break this down:

There are people who would like to see friends of mine dead and Chappelle has declared he stands with them.

Yeah I’d give Dave a bit of leeway on the jokes. That’s not to say they aren’t offensive to people. Heck I watched the special and at times looked at the audience and could tell from their faces they were, at the very least, unimpressed with them. That’s jokes; some work, some don’t.

The real answer is “do both”.

Make changes in your games so they objectify women less. That’s minimal and positive, but giving undershirts to some Sexy Wimmins is one of 100 thing they should be doing. So do that AND do the other stuff.

The other stuff is a lot harder and can take a lot longer, so hopefully (yeah, I

they’re in full damage control which kills me because instead of protecting, ya know, real world living breathing human women, they’re cleaning up risque pictures or immature(usually bad) jokes from old content

We aren’t demonizing sexuality. Women are free to dress any way they want to and express their sexuality any way they want as well. They want to wear the exact outfit in the painting that was editted out? Great, go for it.

I’ve always been angry that the generally accepted ‘internet’ history of the games industry is an American-centric one, focusing on the “video game crash” of the early ‘80s. In reality, gaming was absolutely thriving in Europe (and especially in the UK) during this period, and Sinclair’s products were a huge reason

Wow, a Discord title? So tons of free advertisement for Square Enix and the content creators get... nothing but the possibility of exposure. Sounds like a literal scam lol

I could ask you all to write your comments on a postcard and send them to my house and it would work better than kinja, but 🤷‍♂️

let’s not go overboard here