
Overwatch Dev team != Activision Blizzard corporate

This would dovetail nicely with Indiana Jones, have a voiceline from someone who knew him growing up “McCree? That was the dogs name”. I think this plays on a few levels without fully requiring the character be renamed and the Streisand effect.

Yeah, McCree is one of my favorite characters, and even if they just called him Cowboy from here on out, I don’t think it would matter. Lots of characters have player-given nicknames anyway: Ball, Hamster, Monkey, Baguette, Cowboy, Edgelord, etc.

The names aren’t that important, and tons of them are aliases and

Except for China and Southeast Asia, all the places a game company might want to move an American studio to have stronger union protections than they’d be coming from.

I think that’s just a convenient way to have an conversation with as little nuance as possible. Communism is a blanket term for a dozen different ideologies that share *some* traits, but none of them are 1 to 1.

Even looking at China as “the worst” example of anything is flawed. Especially considering plenty of the

but somehow Americans are to blame for the bad image?

how the word communism has been vilified by the US government, but there you are.

It’s pretty interesting that the more people realize that companies are literally abusing their employees, the more people come to the conclusion that the solution is literally communism.
Not military dictatorship-”communism” obviously, but the idea of common ownership of the means of production (which is actual

I also appreciate Kotaku not being a media-hole for an exploitation machine!

This is just, like, the first on a list 10 pages long of shit they’re going to fix, right?

When you hear the scope of this shit, Blizzard’s statement becomes even more infuriating. And that’s just one small fraction of the offenses, and against only one person.

This sorta feels like a no-win situation for them though. Not that they deserve a win.

But they can’t comment because of the lawsuit. So their posts would have to be “fun” and “on brand” which would come across as exactly as vile as they actually are.

I guess I just don’t see what kind of post they could even make right

Feels exactly like the kind of response you get from every conservative outlet there is. Like it was written by the comm shops at Fox News or the Trump admin. No wonder Bobby Kotick was hiring so many Bush and Trump-era conservatives. They’re going to refuse any responsibility and blame the victims for their own

That’s corporate-speak for “We are VERY UPSET that our corporate lobbyists were unable to make this go away by threatening to withhold corporate PAC money”

It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California”

I find that Dancer combat is pretty fast paced (As much as it can be with GCDs anyway). Machinist is also fast paced.

Definitely was the right call, due to the games I can’t imagine Geralt with anything but that general raspy kind of voice. I thought Cavill’s raspy voice fit quite well and felt perfectly in place with the character of Geralt.  

Yep, not being a white male on the internet sucks, especially if visibility is required. You’re just exposed to every asshole walking the Earth because companies like Twitch don’t care to police their own audience, even though they take half of their streamers revenue.

My first thought as a trans: It’s impossible to exist online without your identity being weaponized. You’ll have a bad time. It’s not fair.