
Brian remembers it though, or at least, he remembers how he did die in another timeline, and he was saved just in time by Stewie. I thought Brian may have spoken to Stewie about that, especially in the episode where Stewie was concerned about death.

Quagmire was only honest about ONE thing in his rant; the fact that he dates women for their bodies. He neglected to mention that he's tried to sleep with (or has slept with) Lois, Meg, Bonnie and Loretta several times. He is a necrophile. He never uses condoms (even though he has HIV and other diseases), and he finds

Yeah I'll try and keep and eye out for your posts in future. It's difficult these days to praise Family Guy and it's nice to see that there's other users who are willing to give them a chance.

You've got to develop characters though, to make them interesting. And now, the only great things about the show are Stewie and Brian. They're not the only funny ones, but they are the only ones who have dynamic and interesting personalities - they make the best episodes.

I asked a rhetorical question on this site, a little while ago… If "Road to Rhode Island" (one of the show's highest-rated and most-popular episodes ever) was released now, would it get the same praise and acclaim?

Last night's episode showed exactly why Brian and Stewie are the best characters. They're the only ones who have consistent chemistry with each other, they bring the best out of each other. Stewie was quite limited without Brian for the majority of last night's episode.

A season without a "Road to.." is always going to disappoint. I thought the "Life of Brian" thing would be as good, but it just left a bitter aftertaste.

I thought they'd integrate Vinny more after "Christmas Guy", at some point. Maybe him and Brian would become friends, which would bring out a new dynamic in Brian's character, and freshen things up a bit.

Quagmire's been one of my least favorite characters ever since he randomly started hating Brian. I mean, I know Brian can be a douche at times, but who the hell is Quagmire to tell anyone that. Brian has done a lot of nice things for the Griffins, Quagmire hasn't done anything to help them.

I despised Into Harmony's Way. It was almost like the writers knew it was their one chance to do an episode without Brian, so they just completely blanked him out. He wasn't even mentioned.


I totally agree! I would've loved to see Brian and Stewie paired up in a great adventure episode (always classics). But instead we got a dull, mediocre episode which is very, very forgettable. Brian and Stewie are the best and they barely said a word last night.

As much as I love family guy, I just think too many of its characters are just dull spent jokes now. Like Chris, Meg, Quagmire and Lois…they only have one dimension to their characters. In my opinion (obvious from previous comments), Brian and Stewie are the only characters left with any depth or chemistry.

Or just stop flogging a dead horse and cancel Family Guy…and give Brian and Stewie their own spin-off.

Using Brian properly = not shoving him in a pointless minor role. Utilise his varied, dynamic character for goodness sake!!

Or maybe they were trying for some totally average, non-memorable episode, to help people forget about Vinny and that whole weird period.

Sadly there are a lot of family guy episodes like this one, but don't judge the whole show by these. If you want to ebjoy the show, watch the "Road to" eps with Brian and Stewie, they're just classic. And for these veal episodes, don't judge the storyline, just laugh and then forget why.

There's only been two Brian and Stewie episodes this season (and both of them only had Brian for half)!

Seth would have had to give the green light to this, killing off his favourite character (Brian).

Brian, being the most 'normal' sensible and relatable character, people connect to him. He's vital to the show, and people don't want to watch the show without him! Thank god he's back!!