
Missing from your list: PIVOT!!!!

In the later seasons, they were pretty much all despicable people. It was actually pretty sad to watch them get funnier but also become bad people when they mostly started out really sweet. Monica got so skinny and shrill that I finally understood what people mean when they call someone “brittle.”

I struggle with this one. I love nice perfume but I also love not being an asshole.

I hate journaling and usually prefer digital to analog. But I love my Bullet Journal. 

The person who did it me had no such excuse. She was just a piece of shit. 

And people who do this never have good taste. It’s always shitty music.

Honking at people for not blocking the box. (Connecticut is the fucking worst.)

Tailgating, particularly when THERE’S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU CAN DO ABOUT THE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS. I’m sorry you’re slightly inconvenienced bro, but WTF am I supposed to do when I’m 10th in a line of cars in a construction zone and we’re all already going too fast for a construction zone? You

When I lived in Brooklyn, the etiquette was to dash to the open counter and be the first person there, even if you have to knock over old ladies to do it.

It’s OK when liberals are hypocritical misogynists because we’re the good guys. Never mind that this is exactly what they tell themselves over at Fox News.

“Let’s get to know this woman by looking at a picture of the man she’s fucking.” -A Supposedly Feminist Website

I make my own coffee and bring lunch. I also spend what some would consider an ungodly amount of money on shoes and gave myself a talking to last night about how FOMO doesn’t apply to clothes and there’s not a magical sweater out there that will make me complete if I can just find it by buying every sweater I see.

A lot of the old rules/guidelines are just useless now and we need accurate ones crafted by people who actually understand the average worker’s situation. When I was a young professional in 2008, my employers hosted a financial planning workshop. I asked how to save the recommended 1/3 of my paycheck when my student

I fly a fair amount. There are situations when I’ll pay for convenience and there are situations when I can’t risk the airline losing my bag. E.g., job interview for which you need a suit, wedding for which you need your dress, etc. and the more connections you need to get there, the more opportunity the airlines have

I put it in the first available spot I see that’s not first class/business class/whatever the hell that airline calls it. I don’t know if there will space when I get to my seat and it’s far less inconvenient when disembarking to have your bag ahead of you than behind you. Anyone who’s ever witnessed people trying to

My mom is the same age as Trump and we don’t even let her fly to Seattle (a commuter flight) alone because she’s too easily confused and would end up in Phoenix. 

I realized Susan Sarandon was a tool long before the last presidential election. I realized it when she said “when I taught my children to question authority, it never occurred to me that the first authority they’d question would be mine.”

Long story short, my mother and stepfather had different ideas about childrearing and they were occasionally very different. Which led to situations like me walking into a room and saying something he took as a challenge to his authority, his yelling at me to “DON’T TALK BACK!!!!” and me responding “YOU DIDN’T SAY

Eat whatever form of cheese you prefer. I’m here to share the funny anecdote of the roommate I had in college who never saw non-powdered parmesan before I bought some and was so skeptical she didn’t even really believe it was parmesan. I had purchased grated, so it REALLY blew her mind when I repeated the anecdote my