
LOL, I was trying to make just ME in big text to make a point. Kinja not only edited the entire paragraph instead of just the highlighted texted, but also won’t let me change it back. :D

I’ve recently become a fan of antique furniture because it’s better quality than anything I can find/afford that’s new. Everything is shitty now because ten or twenty years ago Americans decided we prefer lots of crap to a few good things. And now we have an ample supply of pressboard that falls apart when you move it.

Figuring he feels that way is one thing. Hearing him say it? That’s the day you learn you’re better than your father because you would have never SAID it. That’s kind of why discussions like this one are pointless - how many people who regret having kids will admit it? A decent parent never would and just because you

Every U.S. Presidential impeachment so far was done for political reasons. I’m not yeah-butting, just a pedantic dick.

In pedantic terms, he WAS impeached.

Read the comments. Saying how your life is better because you have kids/don’t have kids than your buds who don’t have kids/have kids is not how you make an argument. That’s how you start an argument.

If your answer is no, don’t tell your kids that. Take it from me.

Deleting this whole post because post-comment research bummed me out and I don’t want to do follow up.

Mike was the only likeable character in S10. He TOTALLY could have done better than Phoebe.

*adds cole slaw to list of things to sniff before I eat them to make sure they’re not contaminated; see also egg salad and potato salad

I split the difference and run tap water through a Brita pitcher.

That episode was truly appalling and at the forefront of my mind when I talk about how despicable they all became as the series progressed. Can you picture S1 Phoebe doing something so selfish and materialistic?

I’ve been taking my mom to her lawyer to redo her will after my stepfather’s death. I think I would be prudent to make sure my stepsiblings don’t contest the will before doing anything with the money. I’m actually kind of uncomfortable with how lopsided in my favor she’s made it and if they get unpleasant I may just

Instagram has decided I live in a different tax bracket than I actually do and has started pushing haute couture ads at me. $700 smocks and $5000 dresses that look like nana’s nightie. My takeaway is that rich people have horrible taste. 

Snark doesn’t bother me in the slightest. It was the way they all became increasingly self-centered, vacuous, amoral, and hypocritical. Seeing Phoebe became a piece of shit felt like a particular betrayal to the character. 

Ophthalmologist is real bitch. 

And it makes no sense that she went back to Ted after clearly being ambivalent about him in a romantic sense for so long.

Everyone remembers “we were on a break” but no one remembers Ross completely losing his shit when Rachel got a job she loved and had something going on in her life other than him and serving him and his family/friends coffee. 

Really... just try on the bras and see if they fit already!

30F here.,, and now even