Podcast: We Couldn’t Help but Wonder.
Podcast: We Couldn’t Help but Wonder.
Fleury vs the Pens.
Dan Stevens is always playing David as if he’s the protagonist of a comedy, which makes for some great tonal shifts.
OOh I love Alice as long as she doesn’t become some bitch niffin.
You sound like a real treat to be around. Enjoy being lonely with a attitude like that.
Stormy aka Stephanie is a world-class modern day shero and people like Meghan McCain should be ashamed of themselves for asking her condescending questions like she did today on The View.
The president of the USA is being successfully trolled by a porn star. 2018 yo.
Katy Gaines made her world debut on a billboard ad for a health food store in Portugal. Shortly afterwards, she…
I have a completely unproven and unsubstantiated theory
I just came here to say that I would like to bang the shit out of Stormy Daniels’ hot lawyer. That is all.
NY Times, ABC News, others now confirming the Feds seized recorded materials from the Cohen raids. “Lordy, I hope there are tapes” indeed.
Are we sure Kanye isn’t just Jaden Smith from the future?
The show really became very good after the first season. Once they started exploring the amazingness that is Winston.
tag yourself, i’m These Mark Zuckerberg Cutouts “Poked” Me Right In the G-Spot
My first thought was “Pacey and a Big Mac sounds like a dream”
WaPo now reporting Cohen being investigated for bank fraud and campaign finance violations.
Very louche and sophisticated, like he brings his personal LA with him wherever he goes.
He’s the only one who’s honest. He’s a straight up dick and sex-user and just flat out admits it, which is kind of perversely refreshing in this land of gaslighting people who claim to like you/want what’s best for you.
That scene seems very realistic and relatable to me. She’s got tons of stress over her daughter’s situation, and here she finds an outlet for it. The heckler deserves the lash-back, but really she’s just aiming all her frustrated anger at a different, deserving target.