I went to one of her book signings - more than a thousand of us waited in line for hours to get to meet her. There was no media there.
I went to one of her book signings - more than a thousand of us waited in line for hours to get to meet her. There was no media there.
Thank you.
i’m sorry but is bernie sanders not a failed presidential candidate? has bernie sanders publicly acknowledged his campaign’s failures? talked about how he consistently failed to take womens and POCs issues seriously without telling them to just wait for the revolution? can he shut up and go away?
Oh come on. At this point Clinton could say “we’ve been having nice weather lately” and the media would immediately start screaming “CLINTON OUT OF TOUCH WITH PLIGHT OF FARMERS AS DROUGHT WORSENS!” or “CLINTON ADMITS CLIMATE CHANGE A HOAX!”
Sad reminder that one of the most popular religious texts in the world has a chapter about a whole town wanting to rape an angel and the one “godly” person in town is like “guys don’t be crazy why would you rape an angel when you could just rape my daughters”.
I like millenials too, but let’s not suck their dicks too hard. Millennials are no more or less intelligent than the generations preceding them, they just value different things that are seen as solutions to the problems created by the previous generation-in-power and these values emerged from the perceived mistakes…
You’re welcome
THANK YOU. I feel bad for anyone who sees American Beauty and thinks Lester is the hero.
I agree completely—but the vast majority of my peers hated the movie because they thought it glorified the midlife crisis. As for Annette Bening, I don’t think the movie made her out to be a bitch at all. I think for one thing the music, and for another thing, the camera, made me stop in my tracks during the scene…
Your take at more than immediate face value is NOT APPRECIATED HERE. All main characters are decidedly the heroes of the movie and the director loves them and is clearly making a bold statement to society that how they act is how everyone should act, obviously.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this guy Lamb. He’s on the right side of most of the issues that need to be addressed right now, and he’s fine for the less-than-pressing ones down the line. We need more pro-union representation on the national stage.
I believe you’re referring to a “moo” point. It refers to it being like a cow’s opinion. It doesn’t matter.
Remember that one time when Howard Dean enthusiastically yelled on stage?
The pig-butchering chapter! My friend and I used to bop around a balloon and pretend it was a pig’s bladder.
I think the camel passed through the eye of that needle a long time ago. Nazis and pedophiles weren’t enough to stop them from supporting him, what’s a porn star? And it’s not like his wife gives a shit. Her payment was her pregnancy.
On the bright side, if this movie does flop, or even just underperforms, it’ll be the Spanish Flu of Gen-X nostalgia.
like an ouroboros of aggressive social awkwardness.
I have this picture in my head of a glitched-out area of the simulation that is just an infinite loop of Monty Python nerds quoting entire scenes of Holy Grail at each other, unbidden - like an ouroboros of aggressive social awkwardness.