
A bald woman is a huge threat to female sexual norms.

Brownie batter (or cake batter for that matter) is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Seriously though, why does baking remove the deliciousness?

hey FDA- FUCK YOU. i’ve eaten about 1,00,000 pounds of raw cookie dough and i’m still standing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never tried a bare foof and whilst I might end up liking the sensation, I almost certainly would not have the energy to maintain it. I barely manage to shave my legs (and I do it in a resentful and slapdash fashion) so I will keep my nether foliage as it is - vaguely trimmed if I remember, thick and full as a

As dog lover, i feel like...this dog just is probably not enjoying life at this point? Oozing sore, tumor in the mouth, blind, incontinent, 17 years old, and for 3 years in a row its owner drags the poor thing to be put on display as the worlds ugliest dog?

I feel like Paris wouldn’t like Ann Coulter! Remember the episode where she works in a restaurant and starts to identify with the proletariat?

I HATE Taylor Swift and always have. Like I really hate her. She's awful.

Just give Lady Mormont a few years

Such a rare and extraordinary man. That documentary was kind of heartbreaking.

I know that everyone is going be all QUEEN TAYLOR, which *sideeye*

twitter is giving me life with all this mess going on

What do you think of Jenny Slate and Captain America? Do you think she uses her Marcel the Shell voice while in bed post coitus?


Tiny robots are the future/program them well and let them lead the way/ show them all the microchips they possess inside/ give them lots of lasers to make it easier to eliminate the human race/ let their insane laughter remind us/ of the impending nuclear Holocaust/ led by tiny robots. TM

he hates her. look at his body language in those first two instagram videos. he HATES her. she’s trying too hard to prove that this relationship is real and he is just miserable.

FUCK HE WAS IN MY CITY LASTNIGHT AND I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT?!!?!?!?!! I mean I may not look like T. Swift but I can give a helluva blow job. Wait, no, really I’m not that good at blow jobs either I am just very enthusiastic. Well, wait. No, I’m not enthusiastic about giving them, but I’m very excited at the prospect of

Isn’t possession of child porn in itself a crime? Why wasn’t he arrested if the police found all that stuff?

How selfless and incredible of this woman to share such a painful, heartbreaking yet insightful story. So much love going out to her.