
Same. It seems like people are just writing articles about how there might be controversy and linking to the same dubious article about Arsinoe.

It’s the best possible answer, I think. They had good intentions but it wasn’t a good idea.

Given that over half of the SCOTUS justices are Catholic, it’s hard to imagine that there’s anti-Catholic bigotry in these appointments. Non-religious people have a much stronger case to make (as do Protestants).

Not to mention that the primary measure used to assess models’ health—body mass index (BMI)—can be an unreliable indicator in itself.

One potential fix to this is term limits on all elected and/or appointed officials. Another is requiring all elected/appointed officials to use a blind trust to manage their all of their assets. Another is to alter the way that campaigns are financed.

Yes, it’s severely flawed. It allows a minority of American voters to control 2 of 3 branches of government.  

White Americans like to project their racism onto societies of the past despite ample evidence this was not the case.

Of course she was petite by today’s standards, she lived over 2,000 years ago and came from a long line of inbreeding. Her first husband was her brother. Inbreeding is inbreeding, regardless of ethnicity, so we probably shouldn’t get too fixated on physical features or else Steve Buscemi would probably be the better

Yeah I think the bigger issue is that our history focuses so much on white historical figures. There were black African queens and there’s a ton of tribal history that could be covered, but we’re stuck retelling Cleopatra’s story over and over again. How about something about the Mali Empire instead? 

I’m wondering from that article how they determined Arsinoe was “African”- was that genetic testing or analyzing why they thought the bones looked like? The BBC news article isn’t very exact. According to the wiki page, that guy was using craniometry which is basically nonsense science that’s been dead since the 19th

There’s not a lot of legs to the African Cleopatra theory. The Ptolemy dynasty was so incestuous that it would have come up in something, somewhere, that she or her generation looked a bit less Greek than usual. And Cleopatra was so heavily criticized and/or demonized that if there were any basis, it’s assumed that her

Unfortunately the article you link to is neither in depth nor scientific in the least. The truth is, that it is very disputed that the bones supposedly identified as her sisters really were her sisters and even if they were, nobody really knows if cleopatra and arsinoe shared the same mother or not. Anyway, here is an

“Sit down next to me and take your talking to”?

That’s actually the reason that I preferred the end of the Hunger Games trilogy, because despite also being a YA novel, the ending was so much more believable, exactly what you would expect after all the shit that characters had survived. Sure, the two main characters got together, but the PTSD was palpable and it

Burton’s star was still pretty high then, and Harry Potter was a kid’s book being made into a kid’s movie directed by the “Home Alone” guy, who was fresh off decided flop “Bicentennial Man” (Proud owner of a 36% Fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes).

Sometimes I remember that Snape was supposed to be about 31 in the first book and this just does not mesh with my worldview.

I always thought that the relationships felt forced, especially the epilogue. For so many characters to get married to the equivalent of their high school sweet-heart is so far fetched.

I always questioned Harry ending up with anyone after the amount of PTSD he would have come out of the books with. He actually died ffs. That has got to mess you up.