This just made me wonder how Trump would react to “the scene-” would he laugh? Blame Artax? Or would he just sit there bored? All of these I can see as possibilities and I can’t decide which would be the most horrifying...
This just made me wonder how Trump would react to “the scene-” would he laugh? Blame Artax? Or would he just sit there bored? All of these I can see as possibilities and I can’t decide which would be the most horrifying...
I never thought he wasn't.
My aunt made some comment about disliking how smug Kamala Harris looks while talking.
There seems to be something here about not having the intelligence to realise how little you know. A moderately intelligent person realises how hard something is and how they may not be able to get away with murder.
I think the director kind of hints at why. Everyone said he was a good guy, a nice guy, a great father and husband and maybe that is what his identity was wrapped up in. Even his girl friend says that “I think he is a nice guy” and nice guys don’t leave their pregnant wives and young daughters.
That female investigator/interrogator was amazing. She did such a good job at playing the semi-compassionate, empathetic role, but cajoling him into giving up the details.
I was actually really impressed that the Police pointed out what most women already know... If your man is suddenly getting really into fitness... he might be a cheater. (#notallfitmen)
No doubt that Colton’s own religious upbringing and masculinity issues likely stemming from football culture contributed to all of this too. The virginity pledge, the gay rumors - he’s got a lot of rules in his head about who he is “supposed to” be specifically as it relates to his manhood and moral goodness as a man…
I found Cassie to be the most emotionally immature woman to ever be on the show, and that is saying A LOT. It may have been the way they edited her conversations with Colton so I take it with a heavy dose of salt, but she did this thing that I recognize from when I was young, where you are afraid of saying no to a…
The Catholic Church, from a legal perspective, is not one big conglomerated entity where the Vatican has actual legal control and over the various diocese around the world. Your local catholic church, the premises and other assets, are not owned by the Vatican. They are owned typically by the non-profit entity of the…
Very little. They can just poison him. Seriously.
He’s not a dictator or anything, but he’s free to SAY whatever he wants, which would have a lot of sway with parishioners. And he doesn’t say a whole lot about most of the garbage the Church itself is up to, all of which is about money. I mean, way to call out capitalism, but start by cleaning your own goddamn house.
Somehow, without any real evidence, I am blaming JK Rowling.
Did somebody change the definition of “Bernie bro” without telling me?
It’s likely there was more than one infected person at this event. And as likely that one or more of these were asymptomatic.
Yeah, I think we’ve all probably met some degreed up people who were less than on the ball.
To be fair, instructors who don’t normally teach online classes are already having to make a lot of time-consuming adjustments to adapt to that this year. Rewriting the tests to be open-book compatible should definitely be the long-term goal, as online learning is only going to become more common. But there just weren’…
I think it is just a automatic reaction since a lot of post like that are typically shitting on someone for doing something good or normal.