
access is also physical. My pharmacy has been slammed so they’re not automatically refilling and calling or whatever... but they also don’t pick up the phone. I skipped a month of BC because I was trying to wait it out/didn’t know what was going on and then finally went in person to get it.

it was over a decade later. I guess it’s possible she decided to dust off the books, but in the context of what everyone was saying, seems pretty unlikely.

yeah....but... there’s a lot more to being “healthy” than “not dying,” which was my point here.

I would suggest actually reading the article. It seems pretty clear that she was using “I’m a victim of domestic abuse” as a way to get cheap rent. Being a victim isn’t a grift; pretending to be one when you’re not, is.

..did you read the actual article? She was a LOT more than broke. This is not about being poor. A lot of people manage to be poor and not deceitful.

“But I’m pretty sure if someone went back and talked to everyone I’ve ever rented a house or apartment from, few would remember me at all, and even fewer if any would call me a liar.”

I don’t think I’d like her if I met her in real life. In fact, she sounds behaviorally like a lot of awful people I know.

I’m not sure in what world this woman qualifies as “healthy.”

I was confused by this b/c I 1000% expected an explicit reference to getting something stuck between your teeth. Like i had convinced myself the song would have this, then realized otherwise. Such an obvious connection with those pit seeds!

wow! I didn’t know scientists had discovered a new species of poop worm this week

“As morally fulfilling as it sounds, sometimes it just isn’t possible to walk out of a job”

I think maybe that’s The Point, though.

yeah this is confusing. she could probably just buy a block of NYC.

I think people forget or don’t realize their clothing line is highly coveted among the elite, and expensive even by designer standards. And they move a fair amount of product per season (source: I worked at a luxury fashion website and handled the product)

she should’ve kept him on board, seems like he knows a thing or two about social media ha. He went from averaging something like 500 views a post to NEARLY A MILLION so far on this one.

I thought her response to peoples’ critique of her influnced cooking style was acceptable before this, but ugh.

she has been the new “IT” girl in cooking. I bought her cookbook for my sister for christmas and I have never in my life bought a cookbook, let alone an expensive one!!

that’s ridiculous for sure. I think that type of circumstance is fairly unusual though for having such a dramatic impact.

I thrift a lot but mostly do it online - especially now. For stuff like shoes, which I genuinely need sometimes as I wear them hard, I have *never* found a pair that looks good and fits in a thrift store. I rely on the global exchange.

Yeah. I think this piece itself was kind of weird, which is a sentiment I feel toward most of Jezebel writing these days, but it focused oddly on the act of second-hand shopping itself: