
yeah, that’s a good point. I think it’s at least good that people can turn to stuff like mask making or whatever if they have few other options - bc “just go work at a grocery store then” is often not feasible. At least this is allowing economic transactions with *the least amount* of contact possible, even if that

I just kinda assumed most sellers shipped from their home these days... they make it so easy now. Seemingly. I haven’t tried since I rarely ship anything, ha.

this is also a weird comparison since Amazon’s clothing line/approach to selling clothing has been notorious for being one of the weaker parts of their brand.

“The store, with its chinos, blazers, and leopard pencil skirts, has no woman to sell to....The J. Crew woman doesn’t exist anymore, and given the ups and downs of the company across its lifetime, maybe never did.”

is it an enthusiasm gap or an age gap, though? My parents, aunts and uncles use memes approximately never. It’s just not something they connect to or communicate with. While there are exceptions, they are exceptions to the rule.

“Biden’s digital footprint still significantly dwarfs Trump’s.”

I finally got my first “fashionable” mask in the mail and it’s the first time my glasses haven’t totally fogged while wearing a mask (perpetual issue with the homemade cloth and paper ones).

ugh ugh. And Madonna is the same way! I wondered if it’s a “my fame has peaked” thing more than an actual attraction b/c they have similar vibes to me - while still famous, their heyday was many years ago, appealing to a younger crowd. I wonder if dating someone super younger makes them feel the faint glow of

nor is this your average private property, sooo.

I don’t really understand how this is a symbol of class... do you mean a symbol of labor ?

yeah, definitely.

“I guess even these dudes need something to do, with an absence of cops to makeover and sanitize.”

I don’t understand why Jezebel keeps assigning these long-form essays on topics that could easily be a much more succinct 600 words! No offense meant to the author though - veritable effort.

even if they had been successful I would still feel embarassed on their behalf. Naming YOURSELF a “squad” is like trying to make fetch happen.

they only tell you to come back for the pill b/c they have to do an ultrasound to make sure you miscarried, though, and they’re clear about that.

“to display your racism” ...when Welsh people were the only thing we were talking about? That is claiming Welsh is its own race. Or by “display” did you mean my icon of Meg from Disney’s Hercules, that’s racist? Interesting.

“Americans are cowards” says the demographic that can’t be bothered to even go to a voting ballot. Wow! How courageous of you!

It’s a good term if it had been written, overall, like an opinion piece. It wasn't. This isn't defensible. 

this. And so many thought pieces on Bernie completely lose the wind in their sails if you don’t prioritize young people over old people. I will gouge out my eyes if I read “yes, Joe may have been winning the vote, BUT young people under 30 greatly preferred...” “Yes, black people may have voted overwhelmingly for Joe,
