

Hmmmmm yeah I mean honestly, it’s gotta be something. This is capital A atypical. Also makes sense that he has family wealth. Ridiculous though that he seems both unable to plot, yet has gotten away with multiple murders in plain sight!

I can’t.

I was looking for more info on him to refresh my memory and there are some real gems on

ehhhhhh. I guess her boyfriend is above the age at which I’d find it creepy (any story where the person is 35+ and the person is arbitrarily under 23*, gets a huge side-eye from me), but I still have to wonder at the sort of power imbalance between a huge, wealthy star and a fresh backup dancer.

you know, that’s super interesting because I’ve heard or seen that so many times (including in lazy fiction writing). But I have been around a ton of drunk people in my day and I can’t remember a single one “reeking of alcohol.”

I think I will start addressing all comments left on Jezebel with “don’t say this where your kid can hear it”

this could also be me reading too into it but her face seems to be held at a very intentional angle - she normally never faces a camera straight on with her chin up. Say what you want about the Armenian heritage but she normally has a white girl nose

On the whole, I feel negatively toward economic sanctions based on opinions. I also see this on the backend in my Higher Ed Social group - people are constantly messaging colleges about “I thought you would like to know that this student liked a Facebook story about xyz, therefore they’re [terrible].”

thank you! I read that 3 times and couldn’t get it. I’m not even sure what he meant - each song could cut out a verse? But wouldn’t you point out that the audience wouldn’t notice, if it’s all gibberish? Gah

fair, though a lot of people seem to die not from the strike itself, but by falling and hitting their head on a hard surface. But i guess this could happen with a bat as well. Also def doesn’t seem like this guy would stop at one solid punch 

everyone commenting with some weird bat preference DOES realize that you can kill a person by punching them... right? If you’re ok with one, you’re ok with the other.

a question that has plagued the higher ed industry for forever. It’s complicated, esp. since a lot of times students are encouraged by ppl in charge to bring their complaints to the university.

hm... according to what source? If he was the title IX coordinator, the case definitely went to him - he’d be the person the mandated reporter has to contact. And if they were colleagues (with the dad), then he was there at the right time

after reading through a lot of the Vice story, i think the father went after the wrong person with a bat. I want to go after that guy myself. It doesn’t even seem that much of a “gray” area - she TOLD him she was super drunk, you can tell she’s super drunk by the texts, she says didn’t want him to come over, just

Though they’re doing everything exactly wrong, I kind of wonder whether their time has just come regardless. Like how long can you roll out the same gimmick? Especially when each doll is supposed to encompass an entire period of US history. Eventually every toy trend ever, dies out.

“Google, once praised for being the Disneyland of workplaces” wait... when did anyone say this? I feel like the reputation has ALWAYS been semi negative but people put up with it because it’s, you know, Google.

I don’t think you understand tay-sachs. No one can have it as a dominant gene, because you’d be dead before you’re old enough to date. If you have it recessive, you’re perfectly fine - the app, the way he’s proposing it, seems like it would match a non-carrier to a carrier, just not a carrier to a carrier. In the

it seems like this argument is mostly people’s personal squeamishness though.

I’m not sure I really see this as eugenics, per se - like are we also going to say it’s eugenics for pregnant woman to test their fetus for down syndrome, and get an abortion if it’s positive? Because this is definitely prevalent, and I don’t feel like this site would call it eugenics.