
It will be interesting to read a version of Frankenstein that is the original vision and not cobbled together from a bunch of random parts.

Most Obscure Reference Alert: Space-Archer’s waking line, “oh, for the love of, you couldn’t find a snow globe?!” is a nod to the growing fan theory known as the “Tommy Westphall Universe”. Google it. It’s incredible.

Do I need to watch Out of Africa?

But are there sharks in space? I’m so confused.

Doesn’t really belong on this list (Kang has seen it), but I remain deeply ambivalent about recommending Grave of the Fireflies to anyone. It’s a masterpiece, it’s not horror, there’s no gore. But it is absolutely devastating. On the one hand it may instill a revulsion towards war and suffering that is a positive

Religious exemptions need to be done away with. Measles doesn’t give a fuck which sky fairy a person worships.


No, people who don’t believe in vaccines are absolutely fuckwits and it is not okay to have a differing opinion. Science isn’t about opinions. It’s about verifiable facts. The facts indicate that vaccines do not have any relation to autism. If your mom believes otherwise, she is a crap pediatrician.

They believe based on their own experiences? You realize that’s not enough, right? If you can bring research to the table that backs up these claims, by all means. Because personal experience alone is not gonna cut it. Even if you’re a pediatrician.

I guess being with a nazi just wasn’t as offensive somehow. :/

Color me not surprised. Too bad given there’s so many misconceptions about the tattoos that I’m sure she’s fought against.

So, no mention of the fact that we got the show’s first-ever uncensored F-bombs tonight (“Fuchs” pronounced incorrectly not included)? If they had been waiting just to do it for the 100th episode, it sure as fuck paid off.

Anybody have Christopher Plummer’s number?

That really is a great line, and I cannot deny that while I was kinda meh on Pam becoming more of an essential character at first (she was, TBH, kinda in the background the first couple seasons, and was dependable for laughs, but until they really developed her character, I really could just take or leave her).

hey dipshits: sometimes kids will cry, and you’ll have to deal with it.

Monty Python’s “Sit on My Face” song came on one day while I was driving with a two year old in the car. I lost track of how many times in a row we listened to it.

How ya gonna keep them down on the farm once they’ve seen Pamy?

I don’t understand the hate that this season seems to be getting. Yeah, it’s not the Archer that was the first three seasons, but we all knew it was gonna turn into a hang out series. And to say that the plot line isn’t at least there is dumb. I was sure this was going to be at least an A- here at the AVC, but so much

Same people who take kids to see Avenue Q and then complain even though they warn you a million times.

Grudging upvote for making me laugh and feel deeply ashamed of myself at the same time.