Mambo Peep

This is why SCOTUS should have term limits.

and this is why you always vote, even if you're not ecstatic about the candidates.

You called?

I love how he can handle a woman covered in two-week-old butter but armpit hair is a bridge too far.

I think what you're looking for is called 4Chan

Was anyone else surprised to find out Johnny Depp was a robot?

My peeps! My Narnia-loving, C.S. Lewis-quoting peeps! Where have you been my whole life??

I always thought that was one of the best opening lines ever. It set it up so perfectly.

"There once was a boy called James Edward Franco, and he almost deserved it."

The thought of James Franco staring at that picture of a sailor boy some how was vaguely reminiscent of the beginning of The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader and led me through a train of thought that ended in thinking that James Franco is actually Eustace Scrubb all grown up and come back.

You know, your suggestion of sending the feminazis after them is not a bad idea. I have this theory, that the solution to our little Afghanistan problem is to arm all the women. Occasionally, while watching the evening news, instead of getting depressed over all the wars and killing, I fantasize that I'm a

Shhh. The first rule of Feminazi Club is don't talk about Feminazi Club!

yes, I've said "I live with my fiance" and a man has said "so what does that have to do with me."

"Belonging to another man is okay and a good enough reason for them to f*ck off"

Oh for crying out loud, misandry is about as relevant as white oppression. My spell-check has a red line under it because IT'S NOT EVEN A THING.

what they want isn't "most women", though. They feel entitled to the size 4, white, rich, blonde sorority girl (80% of this or more is about looking good to other men!) and see the women they could actually get as "beneath them".... while the women they want, are so far out of their league that they're in orbit. If

THIS is the point I keep making - where is the female corollary for this kind of rage? There are PLENTY of women who feel hurt, alone and rejected, and yet I cannot think of a single instance where the response is "righteous indignation," but internalized shame - "I'm unlovable because I'm fat/too thin/ugly/gross/too

Another thank you for going deep undercover. This is important to see. I don't know how you kept your lunch down.

Seriously, thank you for doing the emotionally demanding work that I'm sure this was. This is all terrifying, but important to know about.

Kinda-update: I went to check the room again this morning, and it's now password-protected.