Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

I only figured that out recently, too. I kept thinking I’d seen Ingraham’s nudie pics, but it turns out it was a totally different model of Baba Yaga Barbie.

I feel like you could make this work if you asked the children to make their own masks of what they think they look like when they’re being fake-happy. It’d also involve the kids thinking about the meaning of the poem as it relates to their own experience.

I’m sorry, are you earnestly asking why Harvey Bullock did something completely stupid?

One of my great wishes is to see McDowell’s truly fine horror novel The Elementals translated to film. But yeah, he is not a funny writer.

If I had to spend all of high school with my pad/tampon choices clearly visible, I would’ve just gone with a GED.

Now playing

Oh, god, the malevolent, flying gargoyles and the angry undead turkey gave me such nightmares as a kid.

Terry seems like a great guy, but I have to say that I’ve seen enough dumb, weird stuff come out of his mouth that I think he needs an editor with him at all times.

This was a weird one. It felt less like an episode of the X-Files and more like an episode of Supernatural if that show ever had a director who gave a shit what their work looked like onscreen. Ninja vampire hunters! Actual vampires! Vague ramblings about religion!

My mid-nineties high school had a big mural in one hallway painted by students in the 70s. It was just a bunch of random zeitgeist images (I remember the USS Enterprise and Marilyn Monroe), but one of them was the faceless robot cowboy from Westworld. As a result, I assumed for a long time it was just as famous as

I can’t think of one MD who lost their license to practice over addicting patients.

I was iffy on it, too, but then the show kept reminding me how goddamned adorable Olyphant is, and I had to watch all of it.

I punish myself by watching terrible no-budget shakycam horror movies on Amazon Prime. They have a neverending supply.

Mulder treats crime scenes the way the scientists in Alien: Covenant treat new and potentially dangerous alien planets.

Apparently, Netflix’s algorithm has identified a sizable chunk of viewers who are curious about Japanese yakuza, or gangster, movies but unwilling to watch anything that doesn’t star a recent Oscar winner.

Unfortunately, the departure of Dominguez (in conjunction with the sabbatical/leave of other faculty members) has essentially derailed the Latin America studies program at Harvard. Right now, there’s no real way for the grad students in the program to proceed in a coherent manner.

I have hugged Weird Al.

When I orgasm while menstruating, it results in more cramping. So I am not interested either sex or masturbation for about five days a month. Is this just me?

“Why is your house nicer than mine?”

I deal in horror both professionally and as a hobby, in part because I find it really interesting how horror texts reflect a society’s anxieties - which also affects how texts from one culture are then reinterpreted/remade in another one.

I grew up watching the super weird thing that was the Ed Grimley cartoon and remain transfixed by Martin Short in general.