Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

dedicated Wayward Pines fans

You’re repeating a nonsensical myth that animal rights folks love to spread.

Maybe you should go get your news from a news site that doesn’t have a unionized workforce. This one does.

Is his argument that he was simply too stupid to post his thoughts on a network not owned by his employer?

Experience has taught me to assume incompetence before malevolence.

Ever since I saw the original, I’ve only been able to achieve orgasm from watching Rollins play Bingo, so this comes as a huge relief.

I have never been sure if Creed was handed a script, or simply wandered onto the set and was wrangled into a suit.

This malignantly evil piece of shit literally said during her confirmation hearing that public schools should not offer special education. She only later affirmed that they should be educated after being told it was the law. Certainly, none of her charter schools accept these students.

I think Michelle’s is a very pretty painting . . . but also that it doesn’t look a hell of a lot like her.

Kinja handle checks out.

I know, right? Why isn’t the AV Club exclusively covering men’s achievements?

I just realized that I have no idea what it involves to license a song for an athletic performance (figure skating, gymnastics, etc) and got curious. This was an interesting little article.

What kind of goddamned degenerate hasn’t seen The Cutting Edge?

I really liked Esparza on Hannibal as Frederick Chilton. He’s very good at Officious Prick.

Maybe he’d read your online posts and realized what a stupid asshole you are.

“Hit me!”

The only celebrity marriage I’ve ever cared about is Danny DeVito & Rhea Perlman. I cried both times they split.

Well, see, when I buy a physical album, I always have it, and always have the ability to play it. When I buy a digital album, my ability to play it depends on the company who sold it to me. They can deny it to me at any point.

Okay, on a scale of 1-10, how insane is it that I still buy CDs of albums I want to make sure I have forever because I am sure that digital music will eventually betray me?

As a fine connoisseur of trash, mostly horror trash, I always brighten up a little when I see Lillard in the lineup of whatever trash it is I’m about to embark on. He always works his ass off so hard that it’s genuinely a joy to watch him sell the stock they’ve handed him. (I have similar feelings about Jake Busey.)