Who's Got the Pain when they do the Mambo?

You know, I bet you could rent it out for a reasonable fee. Call it a “Pump-a-nickel”.

Warren did not apply for school on a Native American scholarship.

I’m sure for a certain family in Ireland it died in 1987.

Cracked was doing pretty strong video content especially until they got bought up and basically asset-stripped a couple years ago.

Some old guy looking for firewood isn’t the one responsible for fucking up the planet.  Most of those are safe and secure in some air-conditioned highrise.

BTW, sorry, but Ohio Congresswoman Joyce “Petty” Beatty won today’s Congressional Game of Thrones:

What CK did is absolutely harassment. But in the grand scheme of things I also don’t think  it’s “should never work again” levels of bad. He admitted it, he went away for a bit and lost millions and a movie and while it may not be what some people wanted, it’s not nothing. So yeah, I’m the grand scheme of things I

I don’t feel bad for his family. They’re probably the ones that brainwashed him and made him think this was ok in the first place. This is the logical conclusion.

Depends, is the woman also a piece of shit?

*You are Rob McElhenney doing the Lethal Weapon 5 bit on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Gotham has many charms, but adherence to story continuity or even the most elementary rules of logic are not among them. 

“Thanks for pointing out the error, Team Nancy. My bad. I’ve corrected the headline.”


If he acted as a decent citizen and not parked in a handicap space and thus not had a “reason” for him to assault the gunman, he’d be alive. It roughly reminds me of that black woman who was stopped for a traffic violation in Dallas, taken into custody, and ended up dying in jail—WTF?

I had two thoughts after seeing that picture:  1) I didn’t know that Chrissy Tiegen had twins, and 2) that can’t be comfortable for that kid on the left.  I had to read the article to find out that that kid on the left was a doll, but I feel a lot better now.

Season one was good, but season two was next level great.  But, like you, I understand why.

If they’re so against abortions, why do they keep making these movies?

I had an opening night cancellation of Captain America back in the day, theatre had a new shiny projector, they started it up, and couldn’t figure out how to make it do sound.

Well, you could shut the fuck up and not make yourself look like an ignorant moron for one thing.