
All. Of. It.

Naw its worse then that. They think he might be gay. That’s pretty much all of it.


We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.” He’s not talking about black people. He thinks white people are the ones who are the victims of racism.  He’s literally using the same language as he uses when describing his “anti-woke” law.

I second that. I was a barely passable English student in high school because it bored me to death. Except the Shakespeare parts. Then I got lucky and hit the “once a year” English class taught by the school’s music instructor / band leader.

Those who can’t dance say the music is no good.”

Some of them view his performance as unprofessional.”

Pastor Newman said, “I mistakenly forgot he was to be acknowledged, would not speak. So the fluke was I called him to go out and speak. It was not some kind of grandiose scheme. That was actually a mistake I made by misreading the program.”

My girlfriend used to work with him when she was a flight attendant, she’s been geeking out all week over him going viral. So happy to see it.

DeSantis is a liar, a bully and an intensely evil man. Shame on the voters of Florida for supporting his evil.

Don’t forget “He was no angel before this.”

“He was getting aggressive.”

let’s get these out of the way:
“Try that in a small town”
“They should have just complied”

What else?  

Here is an example of GOP vetting:

You know, at least two of these sets of charges literally would not exist if this narcissistic dumb fuck hadn’t felt the need to boost his ego by running for POTUS, a job it also became clear he didn’t actually like (he just liked the status it gave him).

My bet is that the Texas school system is so effing bad that the cops saw the “AR” abbreviation and thought “Arizona” instead of “Arkansas”. Arizona is “AZ”.

This people could’ve died because a cop got a D in 5th grade civics.

She doesn’t need to go to jail, but make her spend serious hours, at least 500, at a Women’s Shelter. Let her understand firsthand what a true victim looks like.

I guess show up and vote them out next time. Not really much else to be done except to actually vote in boring local elections to prevent this foolishness.

So fighting against “discrimination, and senseless violence against people regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability” is now “woke.”

A lot of states do not allow you to claim the prize anonymously, which frankly is stupid and opens people up to abuse.