
She acted happy being married to Kris for awhile. That alone deserves an award.

Who’s “we,” white man?

You’re searching for hard and fast rules on this, when the reality is that there are so many other commentators have pointed out: It’s up to each person with a mixed ancestry (regardless of temporal proximity - ie parents vs great-grandparents) to determine for themselves how they want to identify.

omg! it’s like we have a celeb here!!
(i think this may read as sarcastic BUT ITS NOT)

Are you also a Ball and Gala Girl? Is that your legacy?

Yeah but have you ever asked a massage therapist for a massage while she’s at home. And there's a saying that doctors make the worst patients. Point is , people don’t want to be on all the time. I’m an excellent project manager. But I’m about to hop on a plane for vacation and have no real plans.

The Boob accessibility is good though. That’s hard to find in evening wear.

I mean I can’t say they definitely did a great job, but they also had a lot going up against them with this case. I’m not sure what else they could have presented to the jury that would have won the case for them. Cochran had an explanation for everything even the most damning evidence. And I don’t think they realized

It’s not a big deal. A black bar in a photo just means you have 72 hours to find and kill all of your blood relatives or Lizzie rises from the grave to drag you, screaming, into Hell.

Hover boards are like Millennials, coming in hot. With the Look at me, I’m young and hip swagger. Segweys are the Gen Xs - maybe we ain’t shiney and new. Our asses might be wide. But we’re sturdy and reliable.

But surely something will seem off when the goat you’ve been fuckinh for the past few years suddenly doesn’t recognize you.

Or depending on the depth of the relationship developed with the goat

I agree. It also makes me very upset to read about people doing things that I myself have never done. Bitch should have spent her childhood reflecting on her privilege and filling her shoes with stones in an act of penance

If hipsters have a good reason to use typewriters on airplanes now, the terrorists have won.

There is no number of dead children that will change anything. Sandy Hook proved that.

Wiz was trolling by saying KK though, right?

No, it was definitely a read on how Kanye compartmentalizes and views women (eta: to a nonsensical degree). There didn’t seem to be any judgement on Kim signing a lucrative deal to release her sex tape.

plastic sugary = Skittles.

Meh, he doesn’t have to be political in the least. However you are spot on about his humour - this would be the reason I never thought he was very good to begin with. The best shit that comes out of his show are the bits that require other people being who they are. (I really loved lip sync battle)

An entirely reasonable comparison that any reasonable person would draw.