
It’s actually not that easy and Twitter and such has fought hard to protect the privacy of its users. And if you are in fact, unemployed. You probably don’t have to funds to hire an attorney to subpoena anyone. Also, if said accuser turns out to be a loser living in the basement of his parent’s house. What are you

To be fair, I didn’t know much about what was going on with my son 15-20. He’s older now and more mature so we can talk like adults. But I telll ya, them teen age - early adult years were sketch!

Do you miss her old nose too?

I don’t be take my husband shopping and he doesn’t take me golfing = happy marriage.

Yep, that’s what hotmail is for.

Thanks for the tip. And Yea!!

That’s not fair to say about convicted felons that have done their time and is trying to rebuild their life. It’s possible People with a past can be good role models because they can actually say, “I went down that road and I def don’t recommend it.”

I agree. If some guy is making out with me, I’m going to assume he’s NOT married or otherwise attached. It’s not on her to check his creds. He’s not Brad that he’s not on that level of famous that most people with the internet would know his marital status.

Don’t be such a bitch. He could be a criminal and fugly. He’s marriage material.

Hugs are intimate. Shit, my boobs are all up against you!

I would die. I can’t do a pull up to save my life...even bought one of those pull up bars to practice.

You also need to review your mortgage terms. SOme terms say you have to keep it as your main residence, not income property. Esp if the interest is lower than normal. Plus you will also have to pay income tax on any profits. It is not worth it unless your mortgage and property tax is super low. Plus, a bad tenant is

I would say that my dad was good enough-great. Mostly great but I’m still angery that he didn’t leave my mom. She was a bitter woman and made both of lives hell. I escaped but he is still dealing with her. Every time he’s on the phone with me, I can hear her yelling in the background.

PErhaps it was because she had Ann affair with the actor playing Dexter and almost broke up his marriage. It was very tense on set because Karen Carpenter (the women who played dexters sister) Ian his wife in real life.

It’s call dickmatized - TM Michael K, Dlisted

But they are all ganging up on him. He’s just a victim, don’t you know!

How much more grace though? He’s in the middle of an interview and he said no thank you. TWICE. It’s awkward to have to say no more than once.

Do you have to climb a wall to get to your room?

I don’t even think he knew what was going on. He’s looking around like, why is everyone running?

Trump didn’t really inherit his. His father built low-middle income apartments. He got a leg up but I wouldn’t say he inherited much.