Still loving Asseto Corsa (ps4), but my husband lost his mind and bought a Rift+touch. I just played a little bit on one of the space demos and, despite many small flaws, I know I’m in trouble ... it’s pretty durned nifty.
Still loving Asseto Corsa (ps4), but my husband lost his mind and bought a Rift+touch. I just played a little bit on one of the space demos and, despite many small flaws, I know I’m in trouble ... it’s pretty durned nifty.
Maybe not now, but someday you could be very grateful for it; say in the case of a bad injury or sudden illness. Also, since it’s pre-tax $$, it lowers your taxable income. Finally, if you (I wish this for all of us) never have to use the money for medical expenses, you can withdraw it, without penalty, when you’re…
Same, but reading the explanation made me admire the kid and her family even more.
But we’re not “socially acceptable” ... we trained our kids to come up with more creative insults than the run-of-the-mill racist/sexist/other-ist fall backs most kids learn from their parents.
Our original training phrase was, of course,…
Paparox surprised me with a new racing rig ... Openwheeler cockpit, Thrustmaster T300 wheel, pedal set, and shifter.
I’m on the road to nowhere this weekend (trying to wrap my wee mind around the complexities of Assetto Corsa).
This was going to be my suggestion. My kids can’t wait to get a hold of my Mustang (and it’s old ... 2005 V6 convertible).
Unless you originally bought Rock Band for wii; if your console bit the dust, you lost ALL of your dlc.
I think it’s because many of us (white people) are willing to adapt a position of willful ignorance in order to assuage their guilt.
This. My son (trans) is of small stature, and although he has some facial hair (a light mustache), still has somewhat feminine features. He always has to gauge the general atmosphere of a place before he’ll step foot into a men’s bathroom.
This whole “controversy” is made up by the sick, old cisgender men with…
A while back (5 years?) I used Celtx desktop to write comic scripts, and I was very satisfied. Now I’m about to start an episodic script (~12-15 episodes), so the FD episodic subscription is intriguing, though I’m not sure I need all of the production aspects ... at least not yet. I’ll probably start out with the…
Which brings up the interesting possibility that he’d nuke the Mall so nobody could take photos of it ever again.
Actually, she made it very clear that she does not understand the need for a federal law ... to ensure that children in all states are accommodated adequately and hopefully equally. (sorry if you were being sarcastic ...)
My state is in the same boat ... red turning blue (AZ). With that said, even some of the Dems here don’t want to increase school spending. I live in an affluent area, with many retirees, and school bonds (when they are framed to actually benefit classrooms instead of putting money in the pockets of construction…
Just want to say thank you. As the mom of a SpEd kid, I appreciate all you do.
This adaptation is such a treat. I find myself grinning through each show, and having ah ha! moments with the little Easter eggs sprinkled throughout. I just love it.
I drive a 2005 Mustang straight 6 convertible. She’s frisky and a ton of fun. I love the retro styling that Ford went back to for this model year. The newer ‘stangs (2015 to present) seem to be drifting (no pun intended) away from that style, especially in the hard tops which have “bubble butt” and, in the case of…
If you’re thinking of the kind in the packets and not quick oats, yes ... gooey, gloppy, and usually loaded with sugar and other additives.
It takes 3 minutes to nuke Quaker Original (i.e., long-cooking) rolled oats in the microwave (1/2 cup oats, 3/4 cup liquid ... I use skim milk) to a nice, slightly chewy…
Excellent (troubling) observation.
Mell was a relative on my mother’s side as well; a semi-distant cousin. I met him only once, when I was a young child, and read Momma all the way til the end. I tease my mom, frequently, that he modeled “Momma” after her.
So ... hi there, even more distant cousin. It’s nice that Mell introduced us to each other.
The Jazz for Sleep playlist is one of the few things that calm my dog down during thunder storms. For that, I am eternally grateful.
I ask for a list from each of my recipients, and pick something from their list. There’s still some element of surprise, but it’s always something they want. Depending on how well I know them, I’ll throw in something that’s a complete surprise ... hasn’t failed me yet.