Honestly there’s been much less virgin boosting since the Great Jonas Brothers fake purity pledge of the early 00’s. I hope that white bread with a side of skim milk looking dude does not ressurect the trend.
Honestly there’s been much less virgin boosting since the Great Jonas Brothers fake purity pledge of the early 00’s. I hope that white bread with a side of skim milk looking dude does not ressurect the trend.
I only eat KD when in the midst of an existential crises nowadays, but when needed, nothing else will do.
I’m onboard with the chopped up hotdog, but I strongly disagree with the tuna and peas addition.
I live in a country where Uncrustables aren’t sold, nor have I ever consumed one, yet I still knew of there existence.
Like, 3 years ago most of us sweet summer children didn’t even know that the likes of Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller existed. We need to find a group of unemployed super heroes to keep an eye on them because, y’know the evil. Then the rest of us can blissfully forget.
So Louis C.K.’s first set post #metoo shaming included a rape whistle joke? Fucking seriously?
Yes she really wasted no time in injecting him into the narrative.
I am about the same age as Argento. There are zero reasons for someone her age to be alone in a hotel room with a 17 year old, unless it’s a family member. Whatever story she’s trying to sell, she should just stop.
Yeah, I was talking about Go, my kids are still too young for the classic.
I yearn for the days of Peppa Pig! That Pig family had values!
Although to be fairer to KK than she deserves, that would be a hard move in any long dress. You would either have to hike the dress up to your knees or risk ripping it.
Maybe Keanu and Winona not knowing they were meant to be together set us on this, the darkest timeline.
IDK, I usually feel more willing to throw sanitation caution in the wind when it’s a mom and pop joint cooking their traditional cuisine and sticking it to the man.
That’s what was so weird. I’m used to “what nice blonde hair and blue eyes” comments about my kids. But I was getting “Oh you’re so lucky your kids are so blonde” or “You should be proud to have such blonde, blue eyed boys, etc.” IT WAS WEIRD.
“Scott Walker is very special”
Purely anecdotal, but I was visiting the US with my kiddos a month ago and never have I gotten more comments about my children’s fair hair and skin. This was in a rural area of a purple state and rapidly became creepy.
Hmmm, total denial is pretty bold, especially with a witness.
Let’s be real, maybe some people have a higher pain threshold than others, but all stilettos are painful things that women wear because they like the aesthetic they provide. They are no different than corsets in that respect.