Seriously. Parents at my school complain about anything and everything. I’ve been the complaining parent at my son’s school a couple of times. And no one made a peep about the above monstrosity?
Seriously. Parents at my school complain about anything and everything. I’ve been the complaining parent at my son’s school a couple of times. And no one made a peep about the above monstrosity?
How do you know that Trump will lose in 2020?
Wait, are they going to get kicked out of the White House before anyone figures out what the fuck they actually do at said White House (see also Manigault-Stallworth, Omarosa)?
My teaching job, like most jobs, provides 3 weeks of paid vacation (Christmas and spring break). Most teachers are not paid for summer break, they simply have a portion of the salary owed to them put aside, then doled out during the summer months.
I’ve been teaching for over a decade, I like my job, but it can be draining and exhausting. It’s mind boggling to read about teachers taking second (OR THIRD) jobs.
Sudan is the rhino version of King Henry VIII in his declining years, right down to the festering leg and lack of heirs.
Adopting a dog was, like, the one mitigating factor in the whole story.
It’s really not a rescue dog if you proceed to DITCH it.
If every guy raised by a bossy mother became an anthropomorphic pigman like Weinstein, we’d have a lot more pig men around.
If the Disney movies teach our kids anything about parental death it’s a) it will lead to a series of adventures or b) they will be adopted by someone richer and cooler than their dead birth parents.
After watching the first Frozen my son told me he wished I’d die like Elsa’s parents, so he and his brother could have an ice rink in the front yard.
Yeeaahhh, always had a soft spot for him. Hearing him talk about gaining weight and caring for his special needs kid was VERY relatable for me.
Didn’t mean to be patronizing but do believe that when kids are exposed to material that isn’t age appropriate it can later influence their sexual proclivities.
I never had enough money for real JNCOs but would “extended borrow” a pair from my rich friend. Never did I think I looked hotter than with my red baby tee, baby barrettes in my hair and those hideous pants.
I have been reading pretty smutty historical romances since I was a pre-teen and have had a few chicken or egg moments trying to figure out if I sought them out because the non-con scenes turned me on. Or if I find that sort of thing arousing because I read so many of them at a young age.
Off topic, but do you agree that Henry Cavill lost his hotness after the Tudors? He’s still handsome, of course, but on the Tudors he lit the screen on fire.
Yeah, my Mom loves to praise her liberal (for a Catholic) church. I like to point out that parishes tend to be progressive in places where they’d otherwise have very few bodies in the pews. In places where they aren’t lacking for members, not so much.
I just love this post and comment thread so much.
Oh my god. She’s interested in sick dogs so she can steal their fur to make a coat to wear to Soul Cycle, isn’t she?
Yeah women are sacred, but sluts have got to be kept in line.