
My interpretation was that I’m not JUST a cunt, but a veritable bag of them (joke’s on them, I’m a Gen X cunt bag).

Not Jez regulars, but not all trolls either. Commenters from other Gawker sites. Even today I’m getting some passive aggressive Cosby defence responses (i.e. “you’re not a lawyer”, the state didn’t prove its case, etc.).

A Canadian was drunk at a hockey game, stop the presses!

I would rather gauge out my eyeballs than comment on a Breitbart story.

Counterpoint to your counterpoint: The state’s case was infinitely stronger than the defence’s.


When commenting on a Cosby post on this very site I was called, and I quote: “a millennial cunt bag”.

My new approach when encountering rape apoligists or victim blamers IRL is to say “NOPE” really loudly and walk away. So far it’s been 100% effective.

I think many Jez commenters had the same experience, but I received more vitriolic responses when commenting on Cosby than on anything before or since. I can very easily see one of these steadfast Cosby defenders deadlocking a jury.

I agree the idea could have had potential if they approached the films thinking “B movie” instead of blockbuster.

My love for Nicole and hatred for Tom have grown at about the same rate.

Audiences and critics are so stupid. Don’t they know there’s nothing more fascinating than a white man in his 50's running around, pretending to be Indiana Jones? 

Entitlement and cruelty.

I would like to have a beer and play some darts with your dad.

Behold this sack of shit shouting at a teacher. 15% is more than this bozo deserves.

So everybody jumping on the Cruise hate train now, huh? I have actively hated Cruise since his 80's heyday. My hatred of Cruise actually ended friendships when my 2 BFF’s were obsessed with stupid Top Gun and I crapped all over their fun.

My early 20's are a hazy period, but I’m pretty sure I had a pink camo bikini in the late 90's. OMG did Kylie copy ME?

He was particularly fine with that beard.

I love my job but I’m not so far in an ivory tower that I don’t acknowledge that there are bad teachers in our profession. But this is so, so beyond bad teaching. The fact that other teachers actually laughed is even worse. I know some places seem to be much more casual about racism than others, but come on, how could

Hey dumb can be sexy, haven’t you ever had a sex idiot?