
I don’t know if it’s because it’s disgustingly hot out and I’m craving a popsicle, but I’m really feeling that rainbow dress.

Was going to make a joke about preferring a Dallas remake but just realized they already went to that well. GET SOME NEW IDEAS TV PEOPLE.!

At least you could rely on Tywin Lannister to raise an army for you.

I mean just the fact that they went to college is fairly impressive from someone of that social set.

I get contact embarrassment every time Archie steps on stage.

I’m pushing 40 and watch Riverdale. And of course Jughead’s the best, it’s not even close.

I agree 100%. I had to get a d&c a few years back after a miscarriage and was able to go straight from the ER to the hospital’s in house abortion clinic. Abortion is healthcare, it needn’t be sequestered from other healthcare.

IT DOES NOT TURN INTO A JOKE! Although it is hilarious.

I’m unbelievably jealous of the people that got to experience this IRL.

It is on Netflix Canada, my friend.

Before I met Mr.Needlessly-Defiant, some of my best sexual encounters were with Sex Idiots.

I have to get this comment printed verbatim on a t-shirt.

Yes! Spy was a perfect Netflix surprise (wasn’t expecting much, enjoyed it immensely).

If they’d switched Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones’ roles it would have been a hell of a lot better. Having the black woman in the “urban, street-smart” role was too much of a trope and hurt the film.

Would see.

I’ll always love Goldie, but the more I see and hear Schumer, the less appealing she becomes.

Ah, boring can be fun, you get to teach them stuff.

Nah, that dude was turned off because SHE HAD TO HELP HER BROTHER WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. He was not sex worthy and my god was that movie terrible.

I don’t know what it says about me, but people always assume I like Love Actually. I’ve been invited to numerous holiday viewing parties of it. I keep getting notifications from people about this stupid looking sequel thing.

He was also not religious so wouldn’t mess with women’s health and abortions, remember? Ah bros, so wise.