I honestly think I’d vote for absolutely anyone who’d provide me with an ALTERNATIVE to coal mining, rather than keep doing it.
I honestly think I’d vote for absolutely anyone who’d provide me with an ALTERNATIVE to coal mining, rather than keep doing it.
The very wealthy are usually the most venal people you’ll ever meet (from someone who put herself through college by working for the very wealthy).
I think Patton Oswalt summed it up best:
And all of the 7 Kingdoms have been fucking around, squabbling amongst each other and NOT PREPARING FOR WINTER (like, at all).
As a teacher I can tell you that these parent cliques cause a lot of extra headaches and in general they are hated no matter how much they volunteer.
Is it just me or are a lot of these charming stories coming out of Oklahoma? Watch your back Florida.
I read a good chunk of ‘The Stand’ in one 12 hour stretch the first (and only) time I took acid.
I will definitely splurge on the fancy theatre that serves booze for this one.
Along with the camp, there’s a certain amount of nostalgia. I remember watching this scandal unfold in real time with my mom.
Has Warren Beatty been implicit in ruining awards ceremonies before? Annette seemed pretty quick to order him home.
It was Lynnhaven, thank you!
I lived in VA Beach for one year in the fifth grade. Do any Virginia Jezzies of a certain age remember a really awesome 80's mall there? At the time it was vastly superior to malls in my native Canada and I was impressed.
Yes, I distinctly remember the absence of ice water at the outset of the meal shocking me the first time I was in Europe.
I find the steel ones give the water a funny taste.
I marvel how they become instantly soggy and at the same time repel water.
I can’t see why not. I made a pretty good sangria in that bad boy last summer.
I would usually put in a half of an orange and two strawberries and it worked nicely!
Not a week goes by when one of my students doesn’t cause a mini deluge with one of those giant freaking sports bottles, which brown paper towels are inadequate to wipe up.
I was in no way exaggerating when I say I remember nothing about this show, was Contessina the wife?
I watch it, can never figure out what’s going on, but appreciate the lead dude’s hotness.