
We were indeed late to the party, but after the Quiet Revolution feminism was pretty militant. Québec ranks as one of the best places for women in North America right now. Not sure which Quebec women you hang with, but within my circle of female friends we all make more money than our partners.

Isn’t it funny how the Swifty affair completely de-sexified him? Like someone turning off a faucet.

But isn’t even Nolan too young to say something like “women stuff”? It strikes me as a phrase a 60-80 year old would use.

Which white dudes with accents are available? Seems like all the good ones are taken...

Dolan is Québécois and though we have many flaws, feminism is taken very, very seriously here. I would frankly be shocked if it were him.

Wasn’t streaking huge that year?

I’ll never understand the allure of all-white. It would feel like living in an institution.

Perhaps that charming anecdote would have been better if it had been lost to the annals of history.

Please don’t apologize Faye, that was the most interesting thing to happen at the Oscars since some dude ran on stage naked about 40 years ago.

In a world that’s increasingly scary and horrible, god bless the Dancing with the Stars people who even bothered to dream of casting Hillary and Michelle. Shine on you crazy diamonds.

I’ve been an atheist for 20 years now, and the older I get the more all religions (not just the cult-y ones) seem very fetishistic to me.

These people must have been REALLY scared of satan to throw their lot in with those 2 sadistic nutjobs....

I wish I knew.

After Bush won his second term I remember turning to my boyfriend and saying: “Well that’s it, the US is fucked”.

So are all of us progressives eventually going to colonize one of those new planets while right wingers mine the earth to its core for resources? I’ll make sandwiches and Irish coffee for the trip okay?

Although I’ve been in the monogamy game for 15 years, if I remember correctly dudes from the 1% in general are lousy lays, regardless of political affiliation.

I love how dudes act like they’re bestowing a sacred gift when they go down and I’m thinking I’d be just fine with fingers and peen.

I don’t think my hubs and I have deep kissed since our wedding day (even then was just to look “in love” in pics).

If this election has proven anything it’s that Republicans like money, their own reflections and hurting people, in that order.