
I was implying nothing of the sort. The fact that so many women have been casually groped is horrifying. I just find it funny that some dudes are so shocked by something that most of the women they know have probably experienced.

When I was in high school my parents went away and I threw a party. Our 14 year old family cat named The Evil One ingested the better part of a dime bag and started purring and running around like a kitten. Being high was a serious improvement to her temperament.

My first crotch grab was when I was 17 and leaned on a railing while wearing a skirt. Apparently that’s an international sign for a man to paw your vagina.

Maybe like a bitch because he put the moves on her while shopping?

I’d like a poll to see how many women have had men grope at their crotch, ass or chest. Pretty sure it’d be near 100%. that mascot a stream of piss?

Was looking for a gif of that scene, couldn’t find one.

Not shade.

How would you even grab a pussy? Like a bowling ball?

Short of turning liberal, there is obviously nothing terrible enough to put off Trump’s base. They revel in his depravity.

This is awful and disgusting. But I think we’ve hit a plateau. Mocking the disabled, insulting veterans, embracing white nationalists, various racist and sexist declarations. He is a horrible person, I just can’t be anymore disgusted than I already am.

So although far from a shade expert, I try to educate the people as best I can. This week a Facebook friend posted something about Tim Kaine throwing shade at Mike Pence (it was nothing close to shade). I commented explaining why this was not, in fact, shade. And she ERASED my comment.

So this is the dude version of that whiny red haired girl’s Supreme Court case, essentially?

Was anyone else weirdly moved by the Tituss as a geisha last season? The episode itself was a bit problematic but Tituss was captivating.

My hubs refused and I’m still bitter. Lucky for him I was able to do a twofer during my C-section. Birth control=I’m too old for that shit.

Yeah Franco I guess. But I still wouldn’t feel very good about myself the next morning.

My Dad pulled this exact shit on my Mom for, like, years when they first got married.

Is it wrong that I’d give up half my finger to have some chill time on a boat off the coast of Turkey?

Writers have always used pseudonyms though. Being an author is not the same thing as being on a reality show.

My SIL’s Jetta actually burst into spontaneous flames while parked. I am not making this up.