
On the other hand, NEVER begin a conversation with “are you sitting down?”. It’s a stupid question. The only time I’ve been asked that and I WAS already sitting down, I immediately got up and started towards the door, assuming I’d have to go somewhere. If it’s bad news, just freaking state it. If it’s GOOD news, then

Here in America, we expect survivors to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. And we won’t even help pay for those or make sure everyone has them.

Solid spell casting AND dinner prep at the same time! Parenting Multitasking for the win!

Something I found useful when I had to keep social media apps on my phone for work purposes - turn the phone screen to grey-scale. It’s not *nearly* as much fun to look at, so I don’t find myself checking something for work and then scrolling through FB mindlessly for 15 minutes. I can still see everything I need to

My cats routinely get what I’m having and what the kiddos are having... whether they are eating it out of bowls left next to the sink, or distracting me during dinner to steal food directly off of my plate... They know what they’re doing. AND they still come running for their twice-daily wet food. 

I tend to enjoy traditions, but thankfully my then-boyfriend and I were watching a movie (Meet the Parents, maybe?), and there was a big to-do about asking the father for her hand... and I paused the movie and went on a 10-minute rant about how much I hated that, and how it was no one’s business but MINE, and how it

I loved CM. I thought the plot was interesting, I surprised several times (I went in spoiler-free), and the lack of the typical woman-related tropes was so refreshing. I can’t wait to watch it again with my daughter!

I don’t watch the show, but I do enjoy reading the recaps/reactions.

A “fancy” (ie, not from payless) pair of sneakers fitted by a pedorthist who watched me walk and asked questions and fitted the shoes to the size of my ARCH, not the size of my overall feet. Found out in that process that my toes are super short, so my feet are a size 10, but my arches size out to an 11. I thought up

My local cheese place told me that, in general, if the rind has something printed on it, don’t eat it. Or TRY to eat it, but give up relatively quickly.

I had a similar situation - A kid who had assaulted my kiddo in the past ran up to him in the hallway and punched him in the head before running off and yelling. 8th grade, these kids are not tiny. Luckily, he was a crappy puncher, but I’m not willing to risk my kid’s brain, so I had had ENOUGH.

My 11 year old discovered these at camp last summer - another girl in her cabin had some, and then I send her some I found at a thrift store, and, man... those books were traded around and taped-together and hoarded like nobody’s business. They were basically the cabin currency.

I approach this from the other direction a bit. I used to tickle my kiddos without their consent, and I would make sure that they could still talk (not super-crazy-tickling), and the very second that they asked me to stop, I would. If they are laughing too hard to say it, I back off until they have a chance to. And I

I taught my daughter hand-clapping games from when I was little, but I realized that “down by the bank of the hanky-panky” and “miss susie” might not be acceptable in schools anymore!

I love the idea of “intuitive eating” but... until I stop caring about what my extended family thinks of me, I will probably continue my destructive cycle of diet/gain/diet/gain because if I’m not “working to lose weight” they will comment endlessly on my weight. So I am ALWAYS either “working on my weight’ or “about

Also: Bandaids/neosporin, benadryl cream (for skin reactions).

Just have the tip ready to go when you pay. Hand all of the bill/tip to the server, and say, “no change, thank you”, and then you’re good.

I loved this book and all of the companion books. I was so excited when my kiddos were old enough to read the Giver and Number the Stars and everything else I could find written by her.

I’m kind of torn on this. I think we should absolutely judge people based on their professional practices. But going back 25 years to college?

That’s what I thought, too. And it wasn’t until I got to your comment that I realized I was wrong...