
That last book is so much darker than the rest - like it wasn’t run through the sugarring machine prior to publication. It goes over the heartbreak, the ill health, the disasters, the mistakes, and it was reading that one book at the end of the idyllic ones that made me realize that I didn’t *actually* want to live

You have a good point. I personally know several anti-vaxxing dads, too, and ALL anti-vaxxers that I know are white, so That’s probably why I focused on race over gender. In my experience (anecdote, not data), if the Mom is a rabid anti-vaxxer, then the Dad is, too.

But it’s also super easy to look at other humans and think “you’re just like me” rather than “you’re different and therefore NOT human like me”. We can choose how we approach other people and interact with them. Changing institutional racism/sexism/etc is HARD, but it is doable. I do not understand why people don’t

Dammit, white people with enough money to not worry about money all the damn time.

Going outside today (or pretty much any day for the next week) would get rid of a bad mood pretty quickly in a fairly terminal way.... I think I’ll stay grumpy and alive/unfrostbitten, thanks.

I have lived my entire life since age 12 without wearing wight below the waist other than my wedding day for this very reason. I had NO idea that there would be days of differing levels of flow. And my mom only ever bought me underwear that was cotton and pretty loose (for health reasons), so the stick-on pads were


Can someone please explain why you would DELAY your testimony if you’re being threatened? I can understand REFUSING to testify out of fear, but if you’re gonna do it anyways, wouldn’t it be better to get it done TOMORROW so that the people threatening you have fewer days for the threats? And less time in which to make

“our country can’t function without them but they’re still considered nonessential”

Thank you for this article.

Actually, that is one that I always do because I had a new neighbor wander in to my locked home one morning because he thought the house was empty and he had a key...

Sing and dance.

I don’t really understand changing out the toilet seat. I mean... I use the toilets in other people’s houses. I use public and restaurant toilets. I DO take the toilet seat off completely and clean the daylights out of everything, but I do that with the shower/refrigerator/sinks/etc. But unless the toilet seat is

No - when you cook the eggs in the sous vide, since the yolk will solidify at a lower temp than the white, you end up with a gooey yolk and a runny white. I thought It would be gross until I tried it. Especially with Neuske’s Chili powder, it’s freaking amazing.

The best are eggs done in the sous vide so the white is runny and the yolk is slightly firm. Sprinkle with chili seasoning, or salt, or anything, and they’re magical. 

I have a night-owl middle schooler. Mornings are horrible, terrible, no-good, very-bad experiences. The other kiddo is more of a morning person, but I think is training for the Sloth Olympics.

My Cousin: Her father died (at the lovely age of about 94). He was cremated, and she wanted to spread his ashes in his birth-state of Washington. So she drove out there with her daughter to do so. They had a lovely trip. She could not quite decide how to spread the ashes, so she figured that driving down out of the

I have watched so many instructional youtube videos where my reaction was “Woah!! I had NO IDEA that would work!” and sure enough, it works. So I can see why a series like this would be taken seriously by someone who doesn’t know much about electricity/batteries.

I was expecting a clever rap going over various statistic-y things. I am disappointed. This was a rap more about having to attend a statistics class, and less about statistics. Where’ the learning? He owes us a smart rap explaining standard deviation!

When I was little, my mom was an avid Gum-Hater. We weren’t allowed to chew gum in the house or in the car. (in fact, when my bad-ass siter was 13, she bought herself a pack of gum and chewed it, and my mom made her stand outside on the porch to do it).