I'm not really sure where you're going with this?
I'm not really sure where you're going with this?
I couldn't agree more.
I have, but GoW's control scheme is smooth and nice.. except for the PSP versions of course.
Controls like shit?
Do you want the wizard or the skull?
Fuck yeah! a Doctor Fate movie would be soo awesome!
I was wondering.. Since they're cancelling Avengers EMH and making a new Avengers show.
When I saw Dr. Crane at the courthouse I really started to miss The Joker.
I guess it's just my inquisitive nature.
I agree, the mask thing was for the tear gas he threw.
Yeah that's true..
I guess..
OMG Marsupilami!! :O
But thanks for not being able change or even willing to change!
Right and that little thing called adrenaline would make them not only fearless but also expert marksmen!
Although I'm usually against killing other people, this shooter should really just be put down.
That is the absolute worst argument ever!
I kinda liked this episode, sure some plotlines just fizzled out but this episode is still waaaaay better than 'Yo Leela Leela'.. now THAT was a bad episode!
As long as it's nothing like 'The Batman' I'll be interested.