I wish I had 3 huge sandwiches and a birthday cake in my fridge! :(
I wish I had 3 huge sandwiches and a birthday cake in my fridge! :(
I think the reason I find it funny is because you are so affected by it. :D
Easy there bucko..
How long were they on vacation if the urge to eat something familiar came up? :P
Why on earth would you go to McDonalds when you're on vacation in another country?!
Oh no! The dreaded Dr. No-Face!
I dunno, it said on their site that they use double WXGA.
unfortunately the 2 back projectors only offer wxga resolution :(
Honestly I don't understand all the hub-bub about Plex.
I loved that bit too.. also, which McDonalds 'restaturants' have chefs in full chef garb? :P
I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the Headless body of Agnew's stamp of approval.
Can any of you Americans tell me why you love the Wizard of Oz so much?
That would be cool, and since Gaikai can run in NaCL it could probably be ported to Android.
"Still, it all comes down to game titles. Android has a large library of support, but how many developers will be willing to support yet another Android hardware target?"
aaah Lost Girl.
Everything about this video is creepy!
Well to be fair, Val Kilmer was a hunk back then, now he's grande :D
I know what you mean, very thin around the neck and then the chubby cheeks.
This is the movie this summer is centered around for me!
aah Freedom Fighters!