
Take it easy pal, you're jumping to implications that don't apply at all to my comment

“White people—and you know what kind of white people I’m talking about; don’t whatabout Scots and Italians into this—haven’t ever had stereotypes of them negatively impact their culture and race for generations. They haven’t had propaganda made of them that specifically turns them into caricatures, then have had to

So if I say I found these cartoonish tribal guys cute, that makes me what - Adolf Hitler?

I thought I understood and agreed with you until I realized I was white and am apparently incapable of doing so.

Dude, just stop with “The North” - it was not an entity. It was not one person. There were thousands of people. In your own article you posted, your own quote: “while emancipation was welcomed by abolitionists and their radical Republican allies in Congress, it was denounced by conservative Democrats in the North

I love how easily offended people are, trying to find something to complain about in everything just because they feel entitled to.

They know uncontacted tribes like this still exist, right?

Okay so being part of the groups that feel targeted by this I have to ask.

Are you making it racist or is it actually racist ?

Can someone give me an example of an indigenous tribe member that is not considered a stereotype? I’m genuinely curious what that could look like and I’m not sure if I’ve ever come across one in my life.

So you’re dismissing everything else about the trailer because a very small part of it was an unintentional mistake that’s being rectified? Honestly, I think its great that the developer is taking this to heart and doing something about it because everything else about the game looks amazing. At some point, you have

It’s IMO kinda sad how devs have to change their games because some people feel offended by certain things.

Will the Witch Doctor and Fetishes be in Diablo 4?

So what’s next? I’m white and I think it’s racist that there are white characters in video games. Should I proceed to tell this to every developer. Nah, that would be silly.

Where do you look?

Is Lifehacker the new Gizmodo now that Gizmodo is the new political site? 

Their exchange when Conan compares himself to Anne Frank, Sona calls him out, and he peevishly admits being wrong was my favorite part of the movie.

If only we could ensure none of these idiots spread it to anyone outside the church, I’d say leave them to it. 

i’m not sure, this opinion is so bad i would argue it should be illegal

Wow, the worst take in the history of mankind.