
Or take a phone and spare batteries so you won’t get lost.

Why’s this on lifehacker ... can you send it to jezebel ... I mean thanks, but I came here to read about bluetooth speakers ‘n shit.

Why “not really”? If you were to come up to me and say “Hey, I’d like to talk to you about Trump and what he’s doing” instead of “Hey, I’d like to talk to you about the Oompa Loompa in Charge” you wouldn’t think that would foster a better communication and have me more open to hearing you?

You do you, of course, but every time peope use perjoratives like “Herr Asshat” or “D. Turnip” or “orange Frankenstein” (I just made that up) you take a way a little of the credibility of your argument. Your message is weakened and people gloss over what you say.

You know the “peegate” stuff is absolutely fabricated by Russian Intelligence services and promulgated by someone paid by the Democrats to dish up dirt on opposition candidates, yet you knowingly use it anyway. See, this is why we can’t have nice things. You should just ignore it like it was a fake Kenyan birth

Umm because it’s actually kind of difficult to topple someone with greater height/reach/mass/muscle than yourself? If they punch a guy in the chest they’re aiming a little above his center of gravity and he might get knocked back, but he’s probably not going to fall over.

Let’s say Trump’s “grab them by the pussy” audio clip was never public. If the Chinese hacked a private server that had that audio clip and released it, would you be complaining about the same thing?

So maybe I’m just crazy (and I voted for her in fear of Trump) but some emails a month or two before election day released to the public did not swing this entire election. It’s time to admit she was a supremely flawed candidate that spent far more time courting moderate republicans rather than energizing what should

The DNC leaks influenced the election but if the Democrats didn’t want that to happen they could have, I don’t know, not been corrupt as shit. At the very least, they could have taken some minor steps to enhance their security.

“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”

“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”

Generally with all these mergers, the old email addresses stuck around. I still know people with “” addresses.

I am f****g over this website, and these bullshit ‘articles’. Someone please go to the journalism department at the local community college and tell them to stop sending over these kids....

Articles like this make you wonder why Gawker did not go under sooner. This is just bottom of the barrel. You are just bullying.

Wait a darn minute! This isn’t Gawker! Why in the high hell is an article like this on Gizmodo. What purpose does this serve a news story whatsoever, let alone a tech news story?
I’m very disappointed.

And I actually had hope that the new Gawker Media would be less awful. Sigh.

Come on,this dude is not running for office and I am willing to bet every damn guy that reads this has enjoyed some porn.
This really is somme unfair bullshit. This is exactly the kind of stuff that gives this site a bad name for a trend of petty nasty shit posts. Its truly a distasteful almost bullying expose and

FFS. Every since Gawker went down you guys are posting this Gawker level nonsense haphazardly all over the other sites. This doesn’t belong here. Have you guys learned nothing?